MDT's Environmental Services Bureau

The Environmental Services Bureau is the expert regarding all environmental issues, concerns and opportunities.
The Bureau provides leadership to all Divisions to ensure environmental excellence and compliance with all laws, rules, regulations, policies, orders and agreements.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA)
Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is a State agency that undertakes transportation projects using Federal funding received under the Federal-aid Highway Program and must assist FHWA in fulfilling its obligations under NEPA for MDT projects (23 CFR 771.109). Additionally, when State funds are expended MDT must fulfill obligations under MEPA (ARM 18.2.201-261)
There are three classes of actions under NEPA/MEPA:
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and associated Record of Decision (ROD)
- Environmental Assessment (EA) and associated Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
- Categorical Exclusion (CE)
- Completed Environmental Documents
Air/Noise | Cultural Resources | Remediation & Assessment | WADR Memo | WARM Memo | Wetlands | Wetland Delineation Process | Section 4(f) | Guide to Reading Plans
The environmental services bureau also serves as the lead on all environmental permitting related to MDT's operation.
- Guide to Stream Permitting Requirements in the State of Montana
- Clean Water Act Nationwide Permits and 401 Water Quality Certifications
You may also be interested in our Public Involvement page on stormwater:
Bridge Example Plans for presentation | Pipe Example Plans for presentation