Contractor's System Project Question and Answer Forum

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2025 Draft Letting Schedule: LINK


Advertising for MDT Construction projects: MDT has discontinued newspaper legal advertisements for our invitation for bids.  MDT currently advertises upcoming projects on our website, MDT distributes an email to our Invitation for Bids distribution (over 125 email recipients) and it is available on other construction related websites including the Montana Contractors Association
Watch - Public Bid Opening - Live Stream: ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION


Advertised Projects: If you would like to receive the Invitation for Bids PDF document when projects are advertised, please send an email request to Follow the link for more information: EMAIL DISTRIBUTION

101 - E OF ZURICH - HARLEM - July 18, 2024


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Submitted: Wednesday 17-JUL-2024 12:00 PM
An Amendment has been posted for this project: AMENDMENT
To download the amendment bid files: Bid Express™ Secure Internet Bidding


Submitted: Wednesday 17-JUL-2024 12:45 PM
Special Provision 28. Montana Floodplain and Floodway Management Act is hereby replaced with the following updated special provision: MONTANA FLOODPLAIN & FLOODWAY MGMT


Submitted: Monday 24-JUN-2024 09:20 AM
Company: Schellinger Construction Co., Inc.
Contact: Grant Roberts
In regards to the existing bridge over Thirty Mile Creek on Main Street North in Harlem, structure #6446. The posted weight limit indicates vehicle type single unit 4-7 axles 25 ton load limit. We have been told by another state source the load limit for this bridge is 25 ton for all vehicle types. With possible gravel pit sources that will require crossing this bridge for a haul route to this project would MDT please clarify if standard legal load Tractor + Trailer vehicle type can haul over this bridge.
Submitted: Friday 28-JUN-2024 11:38 AM
Bridge ID 06446 is posted with a single silhouette sign, which is applicable to single-unit vehicles. The posting limits the maximum gross vehicle weight of single-unit vehicles with 4, 5, 6, or 7 axles to 25 tons.
It does not apply to tractor-trailer combinations (e.g. typical semi-truck). Truck + trailer combinations with power units that consist of a single-unit vehicle should not exceed single silhouette limitations.

Submitted: Monday 01-JUL-2024 03:50 PM
Company: Martin Construction, Inc.
Contact: Jim Ouldhouse
Section 304 Cement Treated Base, 304.03.4 calls for mixing in a Central Plant. Would the Department allow for mixing of cement treated base on the roadway instead for using a Central Plant?
Submitted: Tuesday 02-JUL-2024
The Department will not allow mixing of cement treated base on the roadway. Meet the requirements of Section 304.03.4 in the production of CTB.

Submitted: Monday 08-JUL-2024 01:34 PM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
Preliminary scheduling calculations indicate that 140 working days are not adequate to complete the project. Please add 25 working days.
Submitted: Tuesday 09-JUN-2024 03:00 PM
MDT will add 25 Working Days to the contract. Contract Time is hereby changed to 165 Working Days.

UPDATED: Special Provision #2 CONTRACT TIME – FLEX TIME PROCEED DATE is hereby replaced with the following special provision: CONTRACT TIME - FLEX TIME
UPDATED: Monday 15-JUL-2024 03:45 PM
Bid item 618030005 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES CB is hereby increased to 1,100,000 units.  An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted.

Submitted: Tuesday 09-JUL-2024 02:43 PM
Company: Wickens Construction
Contact: Bidding
Would MDT entertain utilizing an a-1-b or a-2-4 material for special embankment on this project? The material currently specified isn't far off from the crushed aggregate specification for the project, making it a costly product to procure. With this material being placed on the bottom fills, it seems other options that are less costly to procure could be sufficient to serve the purpose of embankment foundation treatment.
Submitted: Thursday 11-JUL-2024 02:45 PM
Upon consideration, material meeting A-1-a or A-1-b is allowed for the Special Borrow used in the Embankment Foundation Treatment.  A-2-4 is not allowed for this material. Special Provision #33 Embankment Foundation Treatment is hereby replaced with the following special provision: EMBANKMENT FOUNDATION TREATMENT

Submitted: Thursday 11-JUL-2024 11:50 AM
Company: Schellinger Construction Co., Inc.
Contact: Grant Roberts
Please post any additional geotechnical data and Dirt Runs for the project.
Submitted: Friday 12-JUL-2024 02:00 PM
Attached is PDF File of the available project alignment and/or structures geotechnical report(s), geotechnical report supplements, and geotechnical laboratory summaries. There is remaining geotechnical information that is voluminous and very difficult to compile in a concise manner. Contractors are welcome to come to MDT Headquarters to inspect rock samples taken for the project that are stored here or to look through the complete set of Geotechnical field investigation notes, laboratory testing, analytical, or other data in our project files. It should be noted that the project may have undergone significant changes during the design process after the original geotechnical report and supplements were issued. Thus, some of the information contained in these documents may be out of date or not applicable with regard to the advertised project. Some of the changes include but are not limited to: Project splits (for funding, ROW issues, etc.) alignment and grade changes; and changes due to environmental factors (sensitive areas, etc.). The document can be found at: GEOTECH REPORT

Dirt runs are provided for informational purposes only and represent plan quantities.  The Contractor remains responsible for selecting the best means and methods to complete the project within project guidelines. DIRT RUNS



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Submitted: Friday 28-JUN-2024 01:25 PM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: Cale Fisher
Please clarify why a railroad flagging agreement is required per SP #17. The cost of work on RR ROW is $0 and there is no at grade crossing on the project.
Submitted: Tuesday 02-JUL-2024 02:56 PM
A portion of the project is on a railroad easement. SP #17 is included because coordination for an agreement to secure a Temporary Occupancy Permit is needed. A railroad flagging agreement is not needed.

Submitted: Friday 28-JUN-2024 03:53 PM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: Cale Fisher
Will MDT consider changing the Flex NTP to April 15, 2025?
Submitted: Wednesday 03-JUL-2024 09:40 AM
Special provision #2, Contract Time - Flex Time Proceed Date is hereby replaced with the special provision, Contract Time – Flex Time Proceed Date. The notice to proceed will be issued with an effective date of November 16th, 2024. FLEX-NTP

Submitted: Wednesday 10-JUL-2024 03:02 PM
Company: Jeffery Contracting, LLC
Contact: George Friez
In regards to MDT's answer to question #1 will railroad insurance be required for this project?
Submitted: Tuesday 16-JUL-2024 12:34 PM
Railroad insurance is required. Please refer to Special Provision 17. Railroad Coordination and Flagging for railroad contact information.

Submitted: Thursday 11-JUL-2024 04:16 PM
Company: Jeffery Contracting, LLC
Contact: George Friez
The Three Forks-North project has approximately 2,250 feet of roadway in which the two outside travel lanes will be milled and paved. Will MDT allow milling to be completed on both outside travel lanes prior to beginning the asphalt paving?
Submitted: Tuesday 16-JUL-2024 01:35 PM
Plant mix surfacing must be placed within 24 hours after cold milling.  MDT will allow milling of both travel lanes to be completed prior to plant mix pavement. Tapers in accordance with MDT standard specifications will be required for private or public approach traffic movements through the milled area.

103 - I-15 CULVERT SHELBY - July 18, 2024


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Submitted: Tuesday 25-JUN-2024 03:24 PM
Company: Bridger Precast LLC
Contact: Tim Anderson
Will you consider either a single cell 20 x 10 four sided box culvert or a longer span three sided box culvert?
Submitted: Wednesday 26-JUN-2024 03:31 PM

The Department has considered and ruled out a single cell 20 x 10 four-sided box culvert or a longer span three-sided box culvert.
UPDATE: 01-JUL-2024 07:50 AM
Two single cell box culverts may be substituted for a double cell. Set the single cell culverts side by side with a uniform gap 1” to 4” wide between the adjacent exterior walls, and completely fill the gap with non – excavatable CLSM. Install joint wrap per the special provisions on the first box placed. For the second box, joint wrap may be omitted on the wall adjacent to the first box. Include the cost of CLSM and other items needed to substitute single cell box culverts for double cell in the RCB unit price. Two single cell box culverts are measured for length as one double cell.
UPDATED: 01-JUL-2024 10:35 AM
If the option of two single cell 10’x10’ boxes is chosen, the quantities shown in the STOCKPASS summary frame and Bc on Sheet 8 will be updated during construction.

Submitted: Thursday 11-JUL-2024 11:12 AM
Company: United Materials of Great Falls, Inc.
Contact: David Anderson
SP 24 states that this is a category 1 project for ride specification and SP 25 says that Subsection 401.03.23 does apply for corrective action. The mainline paving is only 190 LF on each side of the interstate (northbound and southbound). 401.03.23 states “IRI data will not be evaluated for the following: 7. Pavement within 50 feet of the terminal paving points of the project.” – that leaves 90 LF to be evaluated for IRI. Please clarify how IRI will be evaluated (and related corrective action) on this project.
Submitted: Monday 15-JUL-2024 09:20 AM
Surface smoothness will be evaluated in accordance with Section 401.03.23(B).

Special Provisions 24. RIDE SPECIFICATION CATEGORY and 25. RIDE SPECIFICATION are hereby deleted from the contract.

Submitted: Thursday 11-JUL-2024 10:52 AM
Company: United Materials of Great Falls, Inc.
Contact: David Anderson
Please provide a specification on how quickly (time or temperature) an asphalt mat be placed on top of a previously installed mat?
Submitted: Friday 12-JUL-2024 11:07 AM
Section 401.03.19 states that roadways may be opened to traffic and haul units when the mat is compacted and the surface cools to 140 °F (60 °C).

Submitted: Monday 15-JUL-2024 08:48 AM
Company: Helena Sand & Gravel
Contact: Loren R Blossom
What is the existing material between the 60" culvert and the 14 ft SSPPA?
concrete? dirt? nothing?
Submitted: Monday 15-JUL-2024 09:43 AM
Chips were used to fill as much of the void between the 60” culvert and the 14’ stock pass as was practical.

Submitted: Monday 15-JUL-2024 08:53 AM
Company: Helena Sand & Gravel
Contact: Loren R Blossom
This is a wet area in the Spring.
Could the start date be moved to later in the year (2025) to allow for dryer conditions?
Submitted: Monday 15-JUL-2024 11:15 AM
This project is a priority for MDT. The Flexible NTP will remain on November 16th, 2024.

Submitted: Monday 15-JUL-2024 08:46 AM
Company: Helena Sand & Gravel
Contact: Loren R Blossom
What are the specifications for item 203020310 Select Borrow?
Submitted: Monday 15-JUL-2024 1:51 PM
The following special provision is hereby added to the project:

Submitted: Monday 15-JUL-2024 08:50 AM
Company: Helena Sand & Gravel
Contact: Loren R Blossom
Given the required phasing of the project, and the crossover construction and removal time, it doesn't appear there is enough contract time to complete the work. Would MDT add an additional 30 working days?
Submitted: Monday 15-JUL-2024 11:17 AM
Contract time will remain at 50 days to limit disruption to Interstate traffic due to the use of crossovers.



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No Questions available for this project.

102 - CRESTON - SOUTH - August 08, 2024


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Submitted: Tuesday 16-JUL-2024 06:54 PM
Company: Knife River
Contact: Kurtis Paulson
Will MDT consider a later date for the Notice to Proceed to allow more time for completing a mix design including MDT verification?
Submitted: Friday 19-JUL-2024 08:36 AM
The NTP will remain as stated in the contract.

Submitted: Wednesday 24-JUL-2024 02:11 PM
Company: LHC
Contact: Estimating
With late fall NTP, night work requirements and expectation of inclement weather that will impact work hours, please add 15 days of contract time.

103 - US 93 & TREELINE ROAD (KAL), US 93 & WYOMING ST-KALISPELL - August 08, 2024


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Submitted: Wednesday 24-JUL-2024 02:08 PM
Company: LHC
Contact: Estimating
1. Will MDT please clarify SP #28? The restrictions for Treeline Road and Mountain View Plaza are not clear as to when the approaches can be closed vs restricted. And, can both approaches be closed at same time? And, what, if any, are the restrictions for Wyoming Street and US 93 Intersection?
2. Due to congestion of both areas an significant amount of traffic control devices and flaggers that are currently unknown, will MDT change traffic control to UNITS vs LS?

104 - WS 3-JOHNSON WETLAND MITIGATION - August 08, 2024


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Submitted: Thursday 18-JUL-2024 08:47 AM
Company: Bjorn Johnson Construction
Contact: Kassie Tippett
I am needing the CAD files for this project. Please let me know if there is any questions.
Thank you, Kassie
Submitted: Wednesday 24-JUL-2024 11:29 AM

The design files for the requested project are posted here:  DESIGN FILES
The requested files do not represent the staked project, but are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents.
In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files pertaining to the staked project, change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions.


105 - SIGNALS-DILLON - August 08, 2024


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No Questions available for this project.

301 - TIMBER BRIDGES - FORSYTH AREA - December 18, 2024


Submitted: Wednesday 03-JUL-2024 11:21 AM
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is soliciting design and construction services for the Design-Build project identified below. Contractor and consultant teams (Firms) are encouraged to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) response electronically by 11:00 a.m., local time on July 31, 2024.

Project No.:        STPB 14-6(23)235
Control No.:       9886000

This project includes design and construction services required to design and reconstruct fourteen (14) existing timber bridges along US Highway 12 northwest of Forsyth, Montana.  The project involves replacing the aging and deteriorating timber bridges with new structures and will reconstruct the adjacent roadways as necessary.

The project RFQ and attachments can be found at the following link:   RFQ
                                                                                                               ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                               ATTACHMENT B
                                                                                                               ATTACHMENT C


No Amendments available for this project.


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No Questions available for this project.



Submitted: Wednesday 21-FEB-2024 02:49 PM
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is soliciting design and construction services for the Design-Build project identified below.  The advertisement for Requests for Qualifications has been opened and Contractor and consultant teams (Firms) are encouraged to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) response electronically by 11:00 a.m., local time on March 20, 2024.

Project Name:     Billings District ADA Upgrades
Project No.:         CM STWD(981)
Control No.:         10431000

Billings District project to upgrade existing pedestrian crossing push buttons, curb ramps, sidewalks, and approaches in order to help bring corridors into compliance with ADA standards. Additionally, some new pedestrian facilities may be constructed (where none exist today). Locations include: 1st Avenue North (N-43) and 1st Avenue South (U-7111) in Lewistown; Main Street (N-4) in Bridger; and King Avenue West (N-111) in Billings.

The project RFQ and attachments can be found at the following link: RFQ & ATTACHMENTS

Submitted: Monday 08-APR-2024 03:20 PM
Shortlisting and release of the RFP has been delayed for completion of the Environmental Document. Firms will be notified of the new solicitation schedule when that information is available.

Submitted: Friday 19-APR-2024 10:24 AM
The Cultural Resources Report has been completed by MDT staff and submitted to SHPO on 4/15/24. MDT expects to receive SHPO concurrence by 5/15/24 and will complete the Edoc shortly thereafter. We are targeting the release of the RFP to the Firms by the end of May. Once SHPO concurrence is received, MDT will update the firms with a more precise RFP release date through the Q&A Forum. Due to the delay, MDT is shortening the Technical Proposal development period to 7 weeks.

Submitted: Thursday 20-JUN-2024 02:43 PM
The pre-proposal meeting minutes are found here.

Submitted: Monday 22-JUL-2024 07:50 AM
MDT received a permit application for Lumen Technologies/Century Link to install fiber-optic cable overhead, and underground in Bridger, Montana. The linked application includes plans for installation along N Main St. This work conflicts with work to be completed with the Billings District ADA Upgrades project. The awarded firm must coordinate with Lumen Technologies/Century Link to resolve any conflicts. The utility installation is planned prior to 12/31/2024.  Include the cost of coordination in the bid price proposal. UTILITY PERMIT APPLICATION

Submitted: Monday 22-JUL-2024 09:22 AM
MDT has approved an approach permit at 504 1st Ave S, Lewistown.  The approved permit includes the elimination of an approach, construction of a new 16’ approach, and reduction of the width of an approach to 30’. See the linked scoping map for further details.  Design and construct the features described in the approved approach permit with this contract.  Include all necessary costs for design and construction in the bid price proposal.


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Submitted: Wednesday 15-MAY-2024 02:53 PM
Company: DOWL
Contact: Doug Enderson
Can MDT provide as-built electrical drawings for the signalized intersections scoped for Separate Pedestrian Tactile Push Buttons before the RFP release?
Submitted: Monday 20-MAY-2024 03:06 PM
Please find the requested as-builts linked
here. The firms are responsible for verifying the provided as-builts. MDT is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained within the as-builts provided.

Submitted: Monday 10-JUN-2024 10:40 AM
Company: Century Companies, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
On the Lewistown portion of this project at areas numbered 12 & 13 of the scoping map, there is an existing vault under at least a portion if not all, the mid-block sidewalk to be replaced. This vault is not reference on any of the scoping maps, RFP, or RFQ. It is a fairly significant sized vault that has concrete beams that tie the building and foundation wall outside of the sidewalk together. These beams are also incorporated into the sidewalk.
1. Is this work to be incorporated into the pricing and design of the proposal or will it be paid as force account?
2. In our research the building-owner has also indicated that they would like the vault area to remain in place and not be filled in. They would like the glass brick to be completed to let the natural light in as many of the old vaults used to have. Can the department please advise if the vault must be filled in or if it is to be designed to keep the area under the new sidewalk open? The costs and approach may be very different depending on the direction we receive.
Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 02:48 PM
The vault at 101 W Main Street, Lewistown is to be filled and covered with this project. MDT is currently working through an Edoc re-evaluation to include work at this location. Narrative for the remediation plan should be included in the Technical Proposal in the Project Understanding and Approach section. One additional 8.5x11” sheet may be included in section V.B.3, bringing the Project Understanding and Approach total to 15 pages. Firms may also include this as the third, discretional option in the sub-section Design Concepts if they choose. The allowable 11x17” sheet count will not change. Design and construction of this work shall also be included in Bid Price Proposals.

Submitted: Monday 17-JUN-2024 04:05 PM
Company: Century Companies, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
Items #30 and #31 on the scoping map for Billings appear to have been already completed on another project. Are we still to include these two locations in our proposal?
Submitted: Tuesday 18-JUN-2024 09:51 AM
The ADA ramp and detectable warning device along Mullowney Lane at the I-90 Business Loop Westbound Offramp thru- and left-turn lanes in Billings (items 30 and 31 on the Billings scoping maps) have been completed with another project. The work at these locations is removed from the project.

Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:01 PM
Company: DOWL
Contact: Doug Enderson
In Billings, is splicing acceptable within the pull boxes? MDT typically does not allow splicing, as the traffic signal cable needs to run continuously from the controller to the terminal block in the respective appurtenance. The push-button cabling currently exists but could be spliced to fire the new pushbuttons. Our experience within Billings at intersections with rigid conduit is that it has collapsed due to corrosion. Pulling new conductors from the controller to each corner will likely require boring new conduit, thus significantly increasing the price of the project.
Submitted:Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:35 PM
MDT does not accept splicing in pull-boxes.

Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:12 PM
Company: DOWL
Contact: Doug Enderson
Please clarify the scope of #12 and #16 [of the Billings Scoping Map]. The scope calls for ped push buttons but the intersection is not signalized.
Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:44 PM
Pedestrian push buttons are not to be included at #12 and #16 of the Billings Scoping Map.

Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:17 PM
Company: DOWL
Contact: Doug Enderson
Please clarify the scope of #14 [of the Billings Scoping Map. The pedestrian refuge island has a luminaire and lighting pull box. Can it remain and be made into an ADA-compliant refuge island?
Submitted: Friday 28-JUN-2024 12:47 PM

The pedestrian refuge island located at the south leg of the intersection of Grant Rd with King Ave W, Billings can remain and be constructed to ADA compliancy. This element should be included in the Technical and Bid Price Proposals and will be designed and constructed with the project.

Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:22 PM
Company: DOWL
Contact: Doug Enderson
A pedestrian refuge island existed on the south leg of the King Ave W and Overland Ave intersections in Billings. The current pedestrian ramps and pavement markings align with the historic refuge island. Can the refuge island be re-established as part of this project?
Submitted: Friday 28-JUN-2024 12:45 PM

A pedestrian refuge island on the south leg of the intersection of King Ave W and Overland Ave will not be considered for this project.

Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:30 PM
Company: DOWL
Contact: Doug Enderson
Please clarify the scope of #30 and #31 [of the Billings Scoping Map]: Ramps and domes were added to a recent project. The ramp and ped button placement are not ADA-compliant.
Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:46 PM

Items #30 and #31 of the Billings Scoping map have been constructed and are not to be included in this project.

Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:32 PM
Company: DOWL
Contact: Doug Enderson
In Lewistown, Is the intent to replace the full midblock sidewalk width in the scoped areas or ensure an ADA-compliant path within the scoped area? Does the full width need to be ADA-compliant?

Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:50 PM
All of the mid-block in Lewistown is to be replaced at full-width.

Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:36 PM
Company: DOWL
Contact: Doug Enderson
Please clarify the scope of #38 [of the Bridger Scoping Map]. Should this be one ramp?
Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:53 PM

Firms are to construct two ramps at #38 of the Bridger Scoping Map.

Submitted: Thursday 27-JUN-2024 03:46 PM
Company: Marvin and Associates
Contact: Bob Marvin
The intersection of King Avenue West with the access form King Avenue West, east of Overland Avenue is not signalized and the right turn radii on that access are very large with higher speeds for vehicles entering and exiting the access.   When considering the excessive length of the pedestrian crossing at that location, … [is] it desirable to install pedestrian actuated Rapid Flashing Beacons?
Submitted: Friday 28-JUN-2024 12:42 PM
An RRFB will not be considered at the intersection of King Avenue West with Mullowney Ln in Billings.

Submitted: Thursday 25-JUL-2024 10:22 AM
Company: Century Companies, Inc.
Contact: estimating
In Bridger there are 2 large ice coolers in one of the areas of mid block sidewalk. Will the contractor or the business owner be responsible for moving these for construction?