Monday, February 17, 2025, is a state holiday and offices will be closed in observance of President's Day.
The Question and Answer Forum for contracts in the February 20, 2025 bid letting will close to new questions at 3:00 p.m. Friday, February 14, 2025
NEVI PROGRAM - INTERSTATE SYSTEM: Please see Notification #6 for further information.
MDT is formally canceling this solicitation based on guidance from the FHWA outlined in a memo dated February 6, 2025, titled “Suspending Approval of State Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plans”.
The exigency project SFCX 104-1(5)0, 10th ST North Drainage – GF is currently being developed to remove and fill an existing failed storm drain culvert and install a new replacement culvert. The project is located at the intersection of 10th ST N and North River Road in Great Falls. The Department anticipates letting the project in April. More information will be posted as it becomes available.
MDT will be hosting Pre-Bid Networking Conferences in each district. MDT staff, airport consultants, and transit providers will be available to talk about upcoming projects in the district. Prime contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers interested in transportation related work are encouraged to attend and network with one another. Attendance at this conference may entitle you to ten extra contract days on eligible large projects throughout the year in the corresponding district.
District 4: October 17th at 3:00 pm at the Sleep Inn (1006 S Haynes Ave, Miles City)District 1: November 18th at 2:00 pm at the Hampton Inn (1140 2nd St W, Kalispell)District 3: January 24th at 8:00 am at Best Western Premier Helena Great Northern Hotel (835 Great Northern Blvd, Helena)District 2: February 13th at 3:00 pm at the LaQuinta Inn (1 Holiday Park, Butte)- District 5: March 13th at 11:30 am at the Double Tree (27 N 27th Street, Billings)
Watch - Public Bid Opening - Live Stream: ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION
Advertised Projects: If you would like to receive the Invitation for Bids PDF document when projects are advertised, please send an email request to mdtcps@mt.gov. Follow the link for more information: EMAIL DISTRIBUTION
101 - FLOWING WELLS - EAST & WEST - February 20, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 02:12 PM
The Cross Sections are hereby rescinded and replaced with the following: UPDATED CROSS SECTIONS
The earthwork values below the cross sections have been corrected to be in line with the dirt run.
Submitted: Thursday 23-JAN-2025 12:10 PM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: George Shick
Please post design files, dirt runs, mass diagram and any additional geotechnical data for this project.
Submitted: Monday 27-JAN-2025 10:50 AM
The design files for the requested project are posted here: DESIGN FILES
The requested files do not represent the staked project, but are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents. In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files pertaining to the staked project, change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions.
The mass diagram is provided for informational purposes only and represents plan quantities. The Contractor remains responsible for selecting the best means and methods to complete the project within project guidelines. MASS DIAGRAM
Submitted: Monday 03-FEB-2025 11:28 AM
The mass diagram and dirt runs are provided for informational purposes only and represent plan quantities. The Contractor remains responsible for selecting the best means and methods to complete the project within project guidelines. UPDATED MASS DIAGRAM & DIRT RUNS
The files linked are the available project alignment and/or structures geotechnical report(s), geotechnical report supplements, and geotechnical laboratory summaries. There is remaining geotechnical information that is voluminous and very difficult to compile in a concise manner. Contractors are welcome to come to MDT Headquarters to inspect rock samples taken for the project that are stored here or to look through the complete set of Geotechnical field investigation notes, laboratory testing, analytical, or other data in our project files. It should be noted that the project may have undergone significant changes during the design process after the original geotechnical report and supplements were issued. Thus, some of the information contained in these documents may be out of date or not applicable with regard to the advertised project. Some of the changes include, but are not limited to: Project splits (for funding, ROW issues, etc.) alignment and grade changes; and changes due to environmental factors (sensitive areas, etc.). The documents can be found at: GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS
Submitted: Friday 24-JAN-2025 06:15 AM
Company: Martin Construction, Inc.
Contact: Jim Ouldhouse
Please post mass haul diagram for Flowing Wells Project.
Submitted: Monday 27-JAN-2025 10:58 AM
See Question 1 for link to Mass Diagram.
Submitted: Wednesday 29-JAN-2025 09:34 AM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: George Shick
After our initial review, there is a discrepancy between the cross sections and the dirt run provided. The excavation quantity appears to be short by roughly 23,000 CY. Please review the two documents and verify which one is correct.
Submitted: Thursday 30-JAN-2025 09:39 AM
The grading quantities shown on the cross sections were tabulated independent of any additional grading quantities for approaches, topsoil replacement, ditch grading, etc. The quantities for grading included in the summary frames, earthwork log file and mass diagram include the additional grading quantities and are correct.
Submitted: Monday 03-FEB-2025 11:20 AM
Please see response to Question #5
Submitted: Wednesday 29-JAN-2025 01:22 PM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
Will the requirements of Standard Specification section 701.06 apply to the Riprap-Class 2 Random on this project? If not, will local sources that do not meet this specification be acceptable?
Submitted: Monday 03-FEB-2025 01:16 PM
Yes, 701.06 requirements will apply to the riprap for the project, including the source approval requirement in section 106. Local sources that do not meet the requirements will not be allowed.
Submitted: Thursday 30-JAN-2025 02:07 PM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: George Shick
Looking for clarification on the answer to question 3. We included additional grading in our initial review. From station 1799+50 to station 2134+00 there are 219 areas that have greater than 5 CY difference between the dirt run and cross sections. With a total difference of 23,179 CY more excavation and 17,464 CY more embankment in the cross sections than the dirt run. I also noticed in the dirt run it stated skip station range twice between 1934+50-1936+00 and 1890+50-1892+00 leaving out 256 CY of excavation and 7,674 CY of embankment that is called out in the cross sections. Those quantities are included in the total difference stated above. The design files MDT provided also match with the cross sections making the dirt run the odd document out. MDT also stated in the answer to question 3 the earthwork log file and mass diagram are correct; however, the mass diagram shows 3,409 CY of more excavation 3,248 CY less embankment and 6,657 CY more excess material than earthwork log file. Please review the grading plan quantities.
Submitted: Monday 03-FEB-2025 10:57 AM
The quantities shown on the cross sections are in error and should not be used. The process that was used to generate these quantities for the cross-section sheets is an additional process that is picking up additional components, especially in the areas where PESC features are shown on the cross sections. That same additional process is not leaving out the skip areas for the bridges, which translates into additional fill volumes presented on the cross sections. Whereas the process used to generate the log file and volumes presented in the summary frames omits those skip areas properly. The mass diagram does not quite match the log file and summary totals as stated in the question and has been corrected. Updated earthworks log file, grading summary total and mass diagram which reconcile with one another are linked below.
The Excavation – Unclassified (203020100) quantity has been updated to 738,625. An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted. UPDATED SHEET 11
The mass diagram and dirt runs are provided for informational purposes only and represent plan quantities. The Contractor remains responsible for selecting the best means and methods to complete the project within project guidelines. UPDATED MASS DIAGRAM & DIRT RUNS
UPDATED: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 02:20
Please see updated Cross Sections liked above in Clarification #1.
Submitted: Monday 03-FEB-2025 04:57 PM
Company: Contech
Contact: Tim Miller
For the construction of the 2 bridge sites on this project, would the use of the Clearcast transparent decking system be allowed for use by contractors vs form/strip? This system would function as stay in place decking but allow visibility for MDT to inspect the bridge deck from the underside. It would also allow for concrete consolidation inspection during deck pours.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 09:28 AM
No, per Standard Specification, remove all forms and form members not designated to remain in place.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-FEB-2025 01:37 PM
Company: 3 Bull Contracting LLC
Contact: kelsey l allen
There are 524 Single metal panels listed in the proposal for this project. Is this correct?
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 06:50 AM
Yes, this is correct. The quantity can be attributed to the number of right-of-way breaks, approaches, cross fences, straight runs, etc., which all require additional single panels per the Detailed Drawings.
Submitted: Monday 10-FEB-2025 08:17 AM
Company: True North Steel
Contact: Amanda M
Will 5x1 corrugation be allowed for CSP stations 1932+52 84" EQ, 2117+85 60", and 2119+89 66"?
Submitted: Monday 10-FEB-2025 09:50 AM
Yes, 5x1 CSP corrugation is an acceptable substitute for 3x1 CSP corrugation.
Submitted: Tuesday 11-FEB-2025 08:06 AM
Company: Industrial Builders
Contact: Jay Carney
Will you allow the Base-Cement Treated item to be performed in place or is it still required to be from a central plant?
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 12:11 PM
A central plant will be required for cement treated base.
Submitted: Tuesday 11-FEB-2025 08:48 AM
Company: Montana Fence Company
Contact: Jim Ritter
Looking for clarification on the answer for Question #7: The state has indicated that the large number of Single Panels can be partially attributed to the number of R/W breaks…”which all require additional single panels per the Detailed Drawings”. There are no detailed drawings for metal R/W breaks and to consider R/W breaks the equivalent to two single panels is misleading and creates confusion for MDT inspectors on payout for these items.
1. Will the state include a detailed drawing for metal R/W breaks as well as create a new bid item for both wood and metal Right-of-Way Breaks? Wood R/W breaks are built with two single braces with treated 2x6s bolted to the posts spanning the gap between the braces [MDT 607-20] so as to not disturb property monuments. For metal R/W breaks we recommend filling the gap with something like woven wire to avoid drilling holes in the metal posts.
2. Will the state identify the planned quantities of R/W breaks for this project?
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 02:20 PM
1. No, a separate drawing will not be provided. For the bid items Farm Fence-Panel/Single (Double) FM, the FM indicates metals panels. Install steel double panels at R/W breaks offsetting the center post one foot to either side so that the property monument will not be disturbed.
2. There are approximately 200 R/W breaks on this project.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 10:27 AM
Company: Yellowstone Environmental Contracting LLC
Contact: Zac Mader
Please add the bid item 610100555 CONDITION SEEDBED SURFACE with acre quantity.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 12:09 PM
Per Section 610.04.2, Condition Seedbed Surface is no longer measured separately for payment and is included in the bid price for Seeding.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 02:14 PM
Company: Central Specialties Inc.
Contact: Adam Ibrahim
Please provide existing road typical section and/or bores of the existing road surface.
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 05:28 PM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc
Contact: John
Please provide Sign Design Calculations for this project
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 02:53 PM
The sign design files for the requested project are posted here: SIGN CALC SHEETS
The requested files are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents.
In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files prior to award, changes needed via change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions will be provided at that time per the requirements of Subsection 619.03.2.
102 - ROCKY CANYON (I-90) - February 20, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
Submitted: Thursday 30-JAN-2025 03:37 PM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: Cale Fisher
Will MDT change the Contract Time to a Flex Time Proceed Date of August 4, 2025?
Submitted: Monday 03-FEB-2025 11:36 AM
Special provision #2, Contract Time is hereby replaced with the Special Provision Contract Time – Flex Time Proceed Date. The flex time notice to proceed will be issued with an effective date of August 4th, 2025. Flex time NTP cannot be earlier than July 7th, 2025. CONTRACT TIME
Submitted: Tuesday 04-FEB-2025 03:06 PM
Company: HighMark Traffic Services
Contact: Brad Meyer
Can MDT clarify which epoxy lines will be installed in a groove and which lines, paint and epoxy, are 6" wide and which lines are 4" wide.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-FEB-2025 09:20 AM
- Striping - Epoxy - Mainline shoulder/edge (solid white and yellow): 6-inch grooved
- Striping - Epoxy - Mainline center line (skipped white): 4-inch non-grooved
- Striping - Epoxy - Intersection Ramp edge lines (solid white/yellow): 4-inch non-grooved
- Striping - Epoxy - Intersection Ramp Gore lines: 12-inch grooved
- Temporary Striping - 4-inch non-grooved
- Striping - White/Yellow Paint - 4-inch non-grooved
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 10:23 AM
Company: LHC
Contact: Sam Weyers
Would MDT allow a flex time of 09-08-25 and milling/paving completion in 2026?
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 02:40 PM
No, the notice to proceed will not be changed to that date.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 11:44 AM
Company: Jeffery Contracting, LLC
Contact: George Friez
Special Provision #44 (Recycling and Disposal of Cold Millings), part C, states that the cold millings not incorporated into other items shall be transported and windrowed at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds. Section C.2 of this special provision states that the contractor shall provide a loader and operator at the stockpile site. Can MDT please clarify if the millings will be stockpiled or dumped into a windrow?
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 04:09 PM
Special provision No. 44, RECYCLING AND DISPOSAL OF COLD MILLINGS is rescinded. The Special Provision RECYCLING AND DISPOSAL OF COLD MILLINGS is hereby incorporated into the contract.
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 05:31 PM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc
Contact: John
Please provide Sign Design Calculations for this project
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 03:57 PM
The sign design files for the requested project are posted here: SIGN CALC SHEETS
The requested files are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents.
In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files prior to award, changes needed via change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions will be provided at that time per the requirements of Subsection 619.03.2.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 08:48 AM
Company: Jeffery Contracting
Contact: Kieley Cassidy
The typical sections call out fifty feet of bridge approach slab removal at each location and the as built drawings call out a twenty foot long bridge approach slab. Please clarify the dimensions of concrete to be removed.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 04:30PM
Existing concrete bridge approach slabs to be removed are 20-ft long each. Proposed typical section for bridge approach slab replacement extends 50-ft beyond the bridge ends (i.e., 20’ existing concrete bridge approach slab removal + 30’ existing PMS/CAC removal) for constructability purposes. The cost of the 30 feet of plant mix removal and excavation down to subgrade is included in the bid item 202020097 - REMOVE BRIDGE APPROACH SLAB.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 10:49 AM
Company: Jeffery Contracting
Contact: Kieley Cassidy
SP 18 indicates work being performed on Railroad right of way but there are no additional requirements listed for Railroad Insurance. If Railroad Insurance is required will MDT please supply the coverage requirements?
103 - HAVRE - NORTHWEST (S-232) - February 20, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
Submitted: Friday 24-JAN-2025 07:55 AM
This project is being re-advertised. Changes may have been made to the prior bid package. If you submitted a question when this project was previously advertised and believe your question is still applicable, please ask the question on the Q&A forum again. By doing so, your question and MDT’s corresponding answer will become part of the contract.
Submitted: Tuesday 04-FEB-2025 12:30 PM
Sheets RD-03, RD-14, and RD-15 have been updated to correct an error and can be viewed here: SHEET RD-03 and SHEETS RD-14 & 15
Surfacing totals are revised as follows:
Bid Item # 301 020 340 CRUSHED AGGREGATE COURSE is hereby decreased from 50,552.00 CUYD to 49,527.00 CUYD.
Bid Item # 301 020 625 AGGREGATE TREATMENT is hereby decreased from 166,549.00 CUYD to 162,276.00 SQYD.
Bid Item # 401 020 046 PLANT MIX BIT SURF-MISC is hereby increased from 1,449.00 TON to 2,010.00 TON.
Bid Item # 401 020 048 PLANT MIX SURF-1/2 IN is hereby decreased from 30,230.00 TON to 30,227.00 TON.
Bid Item # 402 020 192 ASPHALT BINDER PG 58V-34 is hereby increased from 1,825.40 TON to 1,862.40 TON.
Bid Item # 402 020 315 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT-TACK COAT is hereby increased from 16,363.50 GAL to 16,619.00 GAL.
Bid Item # 402 020 320 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT-FOG SEAL is hereby decreased from 10,084.00 GAL to 10,082.00 GAL.
Bid Item # 402 020 368 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT CRS-2P is hereby increased from 243.80 TON to 252.20 TON.
Bid Item # 409 000 010 COVER-TYPE 1 is hereby increased from 163,280.00 SQYD to 168,203.00 SQYD.
An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted.
Submitted: Saturday 25-JAN-2025 12:59 PM
Company: Schellinger Construction Co., Inc
Contact: Grant Roberts
Please post the special provision for the special borrow material.
Submitted: Monday 27-JAN-2025 01:40 PM
The following special provision is hereby added to the contract: SPECIAL BORROW
Submitted: Saturday 25-JAN-2025 01:02 PM
Company: Schellinger Construction Co., Inc
Contact: Grant Roberts
Please post the design files, dirt runs, mass diagram, and any additional geotechnical information.
Submitted: Wednesday 29-JAN-2025 03:26 PM
The design files for the requested project are posted here: DESIGN FILES
The requested files do not represent the staked project but are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents.
In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files pertaining to the staked project, change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions.
The mass diagram and dirt runs are provided for informational purposes only and represent plan quantities. The Contractor remains responsible for selecting the best means and methods to complete the project within project guidelines. MASS DIAGRAM & DIRT RUNS
Attached are PDF Files of the available project alignment and/or structures geotechnical report(s), geotechnical report supplements, and geotechnical laboratory summaries. There is remaining geotechnical information that is voluminous and very difficult to compile in a concise manner. Contractors are welcome to come to MDT Headquarters to inspect rock samples taken for the project that are stored here or to look through the complete set of Geotechnical field investigation notes, laboratory testing, analytical, or other data in our project files. It should be noted that the project may have undergone significant changes during the design process after the original geotechnical report and supplements were issued. Thus, some of the information contained in these documents may be out of date or not applicable with regard to the advertised project. Some of the changes include, but are not limited to: Project splits (for funding, ROW issues, etc.) alignment and grade changes; and changes due to environmental factors (sensitive areas, etc.). The documents can be found at: GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS
Submitted: Monday 27-JAN-2025 12:37 PM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
The Foundation Material bid item was left out. Can the department add a bid item for the Foundation Material?
Submitted: Monday 27-JAN-2025 02:00 PM
Bid Item # 603 000 060 FOUNDATION MATERIAL – 572 CUYD is hereby added to the contract.
An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted.
Submitted: Friday 31-JAN-2025 05:11 PM
Company: KH Civil Contractors
Contact: Mike Kindzerski
Could the flex time notice to proceed date be moved back to June 15, 2025 to allow the successful bidder adequate time to acquire open cut and environmental permits.
Submitted: Tuesday 04-FEB-2025 09:30 AM
This project is a priority for MDT’s 2025 Construction Program. Therefore, the current Flexible NTP of April 15, 2025 will remain in effect. If acquisition of environmental permits causes delays to critical path activities as shown on the project CPM schedule, and the contractor can show due diligence in pursuing these permits, and the delay is truly out of the contractor’s control, contract time may be given for the delays.
Submitted: Tuesday 04-FEB-2025 02:46 PM
Company: Pavement Maintenance Services
Contact: Kris Woll
Would the State be willing to eliminate the Final Broom & Sweep since this project is a Fog Seal project.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-FEB-2025 09:43 AM
Bid Item # 409 000 000 FINAL SWEEP AND BROOM is hereby deleted from the contract.
An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted.
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 05:32 PM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc
Contact: John
Please provide Sign Design Calculations for this project
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 03:26 PM
The sign design files for the requested project are posted here: SIGN DESIGN CALCS
The requested files are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents.
In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files prior to award. Changes needed via change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions will be provided at that time. See the requirements of Subsection 619.03.2.
104 - ZOO DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS - BLGS - February 20, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 02:48 PM
The eastbound ramps milling and paving limits have been extended to encompass the entire ramp lengths.
Road sheets 2, 5, 19, 20, 22, 39, 40, and 56 have been updated and new Sheet 40A can be viewed here: UPDATED SHEETS
Quantity totals are revised as follows:
Bid Item # 401 020 065 PLANT MIX SURF-3/8 IN is hereby increased from 6,765 TONS to 7,591 TONS
Bid Item # 402 020 192 ASPHALT BINDER PG 58V-34 is hereby increased from 465.9 TONS to 515.5 TONS
Bid Item # 402 020 315 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT-TACK COAT is hereby increased from 2,912 GAL to 3,486 GAL
Bid Item # 411 010 000 COLD MILLING is hereby increased from 44,461 SQYD to 50,067 SQYD
Bid Item # 620 013 000 STRIPING-WHITE PAINT is hereby increased from 135 GAL to 149 GAL
Bid Item # 620 013 960 STRIPING-WHITE EPOXY is hereby increased from 150 GAL to 170 GAL
Bid Item # 620 014 000 STRIPING-YELLOW PAINT is hereby increased from 44 GAL to 47 GAL
Bid Item # 620 014 960 STRIPING-YELLOW EPOXY is hereby increased from 58 GAL to 62 GAL
Bid Item # 619 011 090 DELINEATOR TYPE 1 is hereby increased from 68 EACH to 99 EACH
An amendment will be issued and updated files will be posted.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 08:00 AM
Special Provision #28 RIDE SPECIFICATION CATEGORY, is rescinded.
The Special Provision RIDE SPECIFICATION CATEGORY is hereby incorporated into the contract.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 02:59 PM
Special Provision #5 Contract Time and Incentive/Disincentive is hereby replaced with the following updated Special Provision: CONTRACT TIME AND INCENTIVE/DISINCENTIVE
Submitted: Thursday 23-JAN-2025 10:05 AM
Company: Knife River
Contact: Darrin Tutino
Are there any DGN, DWG, CAD files available for the alignments, existing and proposed line work along with any XML existing and proposed surfaces?
Submitted: Thursday 30-JAN-2025 08:34 AM
The design files for the requested project are posted here: DESIGN FILES
The requested files do not represent the staked project but are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents.
In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files pertaining to the staked project, change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions.
Submitted: Monday 03-FEB-2025 01:55 PM
Company: Mountain West Holding Co
Contact: Chris Connors
The sign structure at 441.541 RT is to be reused. Two OH G Signs are being replaced with 1 large sign. Please provide the dimensions of the two signs being removed and the gap between them. Has it been determined that the new sign will be able to be mounted to the existing strucure and sign brackets without modifications? Will the sign clear the mid span truss connection?
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 10:21 AM
2. The gap is 9 inches.
UPDATED: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 08:55 AM
Response number 3 and 4 above are addressed in Q&A response #12
Submitted: Wednesday 05-FEB-2025 09:31 AM
Company: Advanced Electrical Contractin
Contact: Dustin Ballard
In the electrical section, there is a conflict between the spec and plans:
616323114 Conduit-Steel 1 ½ in Rigid 6100 LNFT
616343914 Conduit-Plastic 1 ½ 420 LNFT
616323114 Conduit-Plastic 1 ½ in 6100 LNFT
616343914 Conduit-Plastic 2 in 420 LNFT
Could we clarify which is correct?
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 10:50 AM
Sheet E01 has been updated and can be viewed here: SHEET E01
Bid Item #616 323 114 CONDUIT-STEEL 1 ½ IN RIGID is hereby deleted from the contract.
Bid Item #616 343 914 CONDUIT-PLASTIC 1 ½ IN is increased to 6100 LNFT
Bid Item #616 343 920 CONDUIT-PLASTIC 2 IN – 420 LNFT is hereby added to the contract.
An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-FEB-2025 11:57 AM
Company: Universal Industrial Sales
Contact: Steve Myers
On plan sheet E03 showing details for Decorative Type Pole it states "REFER TO SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR TYPE OF FIXTURE" but there is nothing in the special provisions referencing the Decorative Luminaire Assy. There is only a spec for High Efficacy Luminaire Led. As well, the detail shows the luminaire offset from the pole but no indication of what that dimension might be.
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 09:06 AM
The Special Provision DECORATIVE LUMINAIRE ASSEMBLY is hereby incorporated into the contract.
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 07:20 AM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
Please clarify the intent of the following bid items:
104030011 Miscellaneous Items-LS
104030013 Miscellaneous Items-Hour
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 10:23 AM
Bid Item #104 030 011 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - LS – QTY 1 is deleted.
Bid Item #104 030 013 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS – HOUR – QTY 10 is deleted.
An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted.
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 08:49 AM
Company: Millennium Electric Company
Contact: Tim Moseman
Under Special Provisions #57-Remove and Salvage MISC Electrical. Deliver removed equipment to the Butte MDT Maintenance yard. Do they really want the removed equipment sent to Butte?
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 08:54 AM
Special Provision #57 REMOVE AND SALVAGE MISC ELECTRICAL, is rescinded.
The Special Provision REMOVE AND SALVAGE MISC ELECTRICAL is hereby incorporated into the contract.
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 09:20 AM
Company: Knife River - Billings Division
Contact: Van Hildreth
SP 29 – some quantity of millings can go to contractor for RAP, any remaining goes to MDT. Of any quantity going to MDT, the spec indicates to “deliver and stockpile half of the cold millings” to Laurel yard. Is there someplace the other half should go or do all excess go to the Laurel location?
SP 35 – is the irrigation season really November to March as indicated, or should it be March to November? If March to November, when is this work completed in a June-Sept project?
Submitted: Tuesday 11-MAR-2025 09:25 AM
All remaining millings that come to MDT will be delivered to the Laurel yard. Expect to produce 2,970 CY of cold millings.
Special Provision #29 UTILIZATION OF COLD MILLINGS, is rescinded.
The Special Provision UTILIZATION OF COLD MILLINGS is hereby incorporated into the contract.
You are correct the dates in Special 35 were backwards. The irrigation season is April 1st to October 31st. Any work that impacts irrigation between those dates requires written permission from Canyon Creek Ditch Company.
Special Provision #35 IRRIGATION OPERATOR CONTACT/COORDINATOR, is rescinded.
The Special Provision IRRIGATOIN OPERATOR CONTACT/COORDINATOR is hereby incorporated into the contract.
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 09:21 AM
Company: Knife River - Billings Division
Contact: Van Hildreth
Item Plug Ends and Abandon Pipe – where is this item? Remove Pipe Culvert – There is a Remove Storm Drain item matching pipe summary, There is 3.58 LF of Remove Pipe Culvert with box culvert, where is the remaining quantity?
Perm Erosion Control-High Surv – 4 SY with rip rap, where is the remaining quantity?
Summary Sheet 20 – Grading frame totals match bid item quantity for Uncl Exc (5554) and Special Borrow (3338). Additional Grading frame indicates quantity not in grading frame, are these additional quantities to be incidental of should bid items be increased by these additional amounts?
Submitted: Tuesday 11-FEB-2025 09:50 AM
Plug Ends and Abandon Pipe is only shown on Sheet 52 (the northwest corner of Gabel and Zoo). Plug & Abandon Pipe has been added to the Storm Drain Pipe summary frame on Sheet H1.
Bid Item #603 587 020 REMOVE PIPE CULVERT is decreased to 3.58 LNFT
Bid Item #622 011 043 PERM EROSION CONTROL-HIGH SURV is decreased to 4 SQYD
Sheet H1 has been updated and can be viewed here: UPDATED SHEET H1
Additional Grading quantities have been added to the Grading summary frame on Sheet 20.
Bid Item #203 020 100 EXCAVATION-UNCLASSIFIED is increased to 5,744 CUYD
Bid Item # 203 020 310 SPECIAL BORROW-NEAT LINE is increased to 3,427 CUYD
Sheet 20 has been updated and can be viewed here: UPDATED SHEET 20
An amendment will be issued, updated files will be posted.
UPDATED: Friday 14-FEB-2025 01:40 PM
The most recent updated SHEET 20 can also be found in the link in Clarification #1
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 09:22 AM
Company: Knife River - Billings Division
Contact: Van Hildreth
Sheet B1 – Bridge Identification – Can you provide the location of where the ramp structures connect to the main 04771 structure as it relates to suppling structure analysis for equipment? If there is analysis needed for equipment on the 04771 structure only, will analysis be required if the equipment is not “on” the ramp structures?
Median Curb on Bridges: is the existing median curb tied/pined to the existing structure in anyway? If yes, how? Will new median curb be required to be pinned/tied to structure in anyway? If yes, please provide a detail and special provision.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 08:41 AM
1. The individual structures are identified by a hatched pattern shown in the plan on Sheet B2. The CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ON STRUCTURES Special Provision applies ramp structures (01754 & 01755) and overpass structure (04771). Per the Special Provision, structural analysis for this project is required for equipment using outriggers, equipment beyond legal load limits and equipment not listed or operated according to MDT’s Approved Construction Equipment List (ACEL.)
2. Yes, the median curb will be tied to the existing structure per Detail Drawing 609-10 as modified in the attached drawing: DETAIL DRAWING
The intent is to dowel the curb into the deck 3.75”. The Contractor will be responsible for locating rebar prior to drilling into the existing bridge deck.
Submitted: Thursday 06-FEB-2025 11:47 PM
Company: The Lighting Agency North
Contact: Frank Dugas
I am unable to locate the specification for the item #617303099 decorative luminaire in the special provisions. Page E03 of the electrical plan says to refer to the special provisions for type of fixture. Am I just missing it or was it overlooked in the SP?
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 09:14 AM
Please refer to the answer for Q&A question #4.
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 07:06 AM
Company: Riverside Contracting, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
After reviewing the contract sequencing and consulting with subcontractors and suppliers, we have determined that the current contract days are insufficient to complete the project. Would MDT consider an additional 40 contract days?
Submitted: Tuesday 11-FEB-2025 03:05 PM
Special Provision #2, Contract Time is hereby replaced with the Special Provision, Contract Time – Completion Date:
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 11:17 AM
Company: Mountain West Holding Co
Contact: Chris Connors
Please reference questions and answers #2. It is important to note that there is a difference between sign mounting hardware and sign mounting brackets. Hardware is not available that will adjust the clearnace of the sign from the overhead structure. New sign mounting brackets or revisions to existing sign mounting brackets could provide that function. What requirements will be enforced in doing so? Special provision 50 is the standard provision used when a overhead sign bridge is installed on a MDT project. It requires, as part of the design by a registered professional engineer, the information related to the sign mounting bracket system used. Will the contractor be responsible for hiring a professional engineer to design the new mounting system and to verify it complies with the original design of the this structure when it was installed? Can the Department provide the initial design information submitted when this structure was installed?
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 08:56 AM
This response replaces answers #3 and 4 in the response to Q&A #2.
The single sign on the WB offramp will be divided into 2 signs. Plan to mount the signs using the existing brackets and hardware. Sign design calculations will follow project award.
Submitted: Sunday 09-FEB-2025 12:10 PM
Company: Mountain West Holding Co
Contact: Chris Connors
Please reference plan sheet 43 and the guardrail summary on sheet 22. The first two lines of the guardrail summary appear to represent the guardrail run on the SE corner of the Zoo Dr bridge, south to the EB on ramp. The end station of the first line matches the beginning station of the second line equating to a continuous run which matches what is shown on sheet 43. However, there are 3 end sections between both summary lines. There can only be two unless the run is spit into two in which 4 ends would be required.
If the One Way Dept Term is eliminated, please confirm that the rail extending east on the EB on ramp only extends 25ft beyond the radius rail. If that is not correct, the Intersecting Roadway Terminal will not work at that location. Please provide more information for the full layout of the guardrail run including the length between the bridge and the radius rail as well as the length of rail after the radius rail on the EB on ramp.
Submitted: Tuesday 11-FEB-2025 01:52 AM
The MGS one-way departure terminal section should not be shown after the IRT. The IRT section has an anchor section that extends only 25 feet beyond the radius rail.
Sheet 22 has been updated and can be viewed here:SHEET 22
Bid Item # 606 010 345 MGS ONE-WAY DEPARTURE TERMINAL – QTY 1 is deleted from the contract.
An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted.
UPDATED: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 03:15 PM
Sheet 22 has been updated and can be viewed here: UPDATED SHEET 22
Submitted: Saturday 08-FEB-2025 11:13 AM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc
Contact: John O'Brien
Please provide Sign Design Calculations for this project.
Submitted: Tuesday 11-FEB-2025 10:00 AM
The sign design files for the requested project are posted here: SIGN CALC SHEETS
The requested files are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents.
In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files, change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions.
UPDATED: Tuesday 11-FEB-2025 10:38 AM
In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files prior to award; changes needed via change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions will be provided at that time per the requirements of Subsection 619.03.2.
Submitted: Monday 10-FEB-2025 03:18 PM
Company: Knife River - Billings Division
Contact: Van Hildreth
In Q&A question 5 above MDT answered that 104-030-013 Misc Work - Hour will be deleted. Was this supposed to be associated with SP 60, Powder Coat Finish? In SP 60 there is reference to "Additive Alternate-Miscellaneous Items that require a powder coat". Please clarify what the SP 60 wording means as far as an Additive Alternate?
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 08:46 AM
Include all costs associated with furnishing powder coating materials, application, and labor under separate electrical bid items that require a powder coat.
Submitted: Monday 10-FEB-2025 03:15 PM
Company: Knife River - Billings Division
Contact: Van Hildreth
Phases and contract time.
Agree, not enough time and also phases issues (through signal work). Other work/materials supplies are not available (at best) until mid to late September. 40 days additional is requested.
As far as signal work, would MDT be open to supplying salvaged signal standards, arms, and signal indicators to facilitate new lanes until new materials are available? Paid under misc work?
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 09:10 AM
1. See the answer for Q&A #11, additional time has been granted.
2. The Contractor may temporarily use electrical equipment that is removed and salvaged from the project. The equipment must then be removed and salvaged in accordance with the electrical plans and the revised Special Provision for REMOVE AND SALVAGE MISC ELECTRICAL. The Contractor is responsible for repairing or replacing damaged equipment. This work is not eligible for separate payment.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 10:02 AM
Company: SK Geotechnical
Contact: Cory Rice
We performed the geotechnical work for the project. Is it acceptable for us to complete the Log of Boring for the sign structure for the contractor?
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 04:02 PM
SK Geotechnical will be allowed to complete the required boring logs for the sign structure.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 12:59 PM
Company: Montana Lines, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
Overhead structure procurement processes include investigative drilling, preparing logs of boring, structure design, foundation design, review, approval, fabrication, and delivery. The sum and sequence of these processes has taken over a year in the past. In the event all other work is finished by 11-15-25, and the Contractor demonstrates timely facilitation of all procurement processes, but overhead structure delivery does not permit installation by 11-15-25, how will the Department address additional time necessary for their erection and installation of associated appurtenances? Will the Department allow use of boring longs provided in the proposal for overhead sign structure foundation design? Will any necessary investigative drilling be allowed to commence prior to the June 9 NTP and how will the Department address the time needed.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 02:30 PM
1. The Special Provision LARGE LEAD ITEMS is hereby incorporated into the contract.
2. Boring logs provided in the proposal cannot be used for overhead sign structure foundation design. Location specific boring logs for each foundation of the overhead sign structures is required.
3. Upon award of the contract, a Change Order will be issued to adjust the Notice to Proceed date to allow for required investigative drilling for foundation design and associated traffic control (if necessary). No other contract work may begin prior to the original Notice to Proceed date of June 9, 2025, without the written approval of MDT’s Engineering Project Manager.
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 08:48 AM
Company: Askin Construction
Contact: Paul Miller
Is the intent to extend the 12x8 culvert prior to the ditches being turned on? When can we anticipate the ditches being turned on?
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 02:25 PM
1. The NTP for this project does not allow for the 12x8 culvert extension to be completed prior to ditches being turned on. If the contractor has a way to get the extension in prior to the NTP, bring it the Project Manager for discussion. Otherwise, plan to work around the extension until it can be completed.
2. The irrigation date is April 1st; after that date, the contractor needs permission be in the ditch. April 1st is generally conservative; if written permission is granted by Canyon Creek Ditch Company, the contractor could work beyond April 1st.
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 03:35 PM
Company: The Lighting Agency
Contact: Frank Dugas
Plan Pages 86 & 87: Sign bridge has a special design for mount to pole. Is this a 4-chord truss or chord design?
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 03:40 PM
As stated in Special Provision #50, the contractor is responsible for design of the overhead sign structure. Sign placement relative to travel lanes were the objective of Sheets S13 and S14.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 12:53 PM
Company: Millennium Electric Company
Contact: Tim Moseman
In Special Provisions, 51. C. Construction Requirements. Temporary casing is required for the installation of the drilled shaft sign bridge structure foundations. Is there an option to leave a casing in place?
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 03:52 PM
Casing used to construct the sign bridge drilled shafts can be left in place if approved by the design engineer. If casing is left in place, it is required to meet specifications for Permanent Casing (558.03.07).
105 - RR XING - MT 13 - MACON SIGNING & SF 189 WOLF POINT RODEO RD SFTY - February 20, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-FEB-2025 09:55 AM
The service wiring diagram, S4, on sheet E13 had an error with the configuration to the output for Actuated Beacon Controller.
Sheet E13 has been updated and can be viewed here: SHEET E13
Submitted: Tuesday 11-FEB-2025 03:45 PM
Company: Montana Lines, Inc.
Contact: Pat Bomgardner
Would the department consider a Flex Time Proceed Date of August 18th, 2025, to allow for material delivery and continuous progression of work? Sixty working days would still allow completion prior to winter shut down.
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 03:45 PM
Contract time will remain as advertised. If work cannot proceed due to material availability and all other work is complete, MDT will suspend contract time.
Submitted: Tuesday 11-FEB-2025 04:57 PM
Company: The Lighting Agency
Contact: Frank Dugas
On item #617303300 HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRE LED I am unable to locate the specifications on the plans and the Billings Exchange does not list Special Provisions. Can you please provide a specification?
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 08:13 AM
Special Provision #20 HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRE LED [HSIP 43(52)] is rescinded.
The Special Provision HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRE LED is hereby incorporated into the contract.
The special provisions are contained within the proposal, additional luminaire requirements are found in Section 617.
The advertised bid package can be found here: https://www.mdt.mt.gov/business/contracting/advertised-bid-packages.aspx
Submitted: Thursday 13-FEB-2025 05:33 PM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc
Contact: Johnj
Please provide Sign Design Calculations for this project
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 03:32 PM
The sign design files for the requested project are posted here:
SF 189 Wolf Point Rodeo Rd Sfty: SIGN DESIGN CALCS
RR Xing – MT 13 – Macon Signing: SIGN DESIGN CALCS
The requested files are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents.
In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files prior to award, changes needed via change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions will be provided at that time per the requirements of Subsection 619.03.2.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 12:59 PM
Company: Montana Lines, Inc.
Contact: Bidder
Please clarify mounting systems/supports required for the battery backup system and control units. Please provide measurement and payment for same. Please specifically indicate how the concrete pedestal shown on sheet E9 will be paid.
101 - JCT MT-81 - SOUTH (MT-80) - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
102 - WILSALL - N & S - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
103 - EAST GLACIER - E & W - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
104 - MONTANA STREET - DILLON - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
105 - GALEN - SOUTHWEST - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
106 - SF 189 PROSPECT AVE LIGHTING - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 11:12 AM
Company: SolarMax LED
Contact: Jackson Yu
Is there a certain model/brand of LED luminaires for this project?
Submitted: Wednesday 08-JAN-2025 10:30 AM
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is soliciting design, construction, operations, and maintenance services for the Design-Build-Operate-Maintain project identified below. The advertisement for Requests for Qualifications has been opened and Contractor and consultant teams (Firms) are encouraged to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) response electronically by 11:00 a.m., local time on February 5, 2025.
Project Name: NEVI Program- Interstate System
Project No.: STWD 983
Control No.: 10436000
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) developed Montana’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan which describes Montana’s approach to meet the goals of the NEVI Formula Program and identifies Montana’s Alternative Fuel Corridors. The Project consists of performing all services necessary to design, construct, operate, and maintain 7 EV charging stations in communities along Montana AFC’s on I-15, I-90, and I-94. The EV charging station locations within the communities are to be determined by Proposers.
The work generally includes the following:
- Design and construct a minimum of four network-connected direct current (DC) 150 kilowatt (kW) charging ports, at each of the 7 EV charging stations, capable of simultaneously and continuously charging four EVs, located within a one-mile driving distance of an AFC and available for use by the public 24 hours per day, seven days per week, year-round.
- Operate and maintain the EV charging infrastructure for a minimum of five years following EVSE Acceptance pursuant to the Contract in accordance with the O&M period requirements.
- Provide secure payment methods.
- Collect, process, retain, and share near real-time and static data.
- Provide a minimum of 20 percent of the Eligible Project Cost.
All inquiries, questions, and communications should follow the process outlined by MDT in the Request for Qualifications. DEQ will not respond to any replies regarding this project.
The project RFQ and attachments can be found at the following link: RFQ
Submitted: Thursday 09-JAN-2025 09:45 AM
MDT is hosting an SOQ Webinar at 11:00 am Mountain Time on January 15, 2025, to highlight important components of the RFQ. This informational webinar is open to the public with microphone and video disabled. All questions should be asked through the Q&A Forum in accordance with the RFQ and no questions will be answered during the webinar.
Zoom meeting information is provided here: MDT SOQ WEBINAR INFO
Submitted: Friday 10-JAN-2025 01:45 PM
New Federal Wage Rates, General Decision Number MT20250079, are now in effect and hereby replaces General decision number MT20240079 found in the advertised proposal. There are no rate changes. WAGE RATES
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 09:20 AM
The NEVI Program - Interstate System project locations can be found at the interactive map here: Round One NEVI Compliant Charger Locations in Montana
MDT’s NEVI SOQ Webinar recording and PowerPoint slides can be found here: NEVI SOQ WEBINAR
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 11:20 AM
The NEVI program is suspended per direction from FHWA. No further action will be taken on the NEVI project/procurement until direction is provided from FHWA.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 01:00 PM
MDT is formally canceling this solicitation based on guidance from the FHWA outlined in a memo dated February 6, 2025, titled “Suspending Approval of State Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plans”. The memo informs; “the current NEVI Formula Program Guidance dated June 11, 2024, and all prior versions of this guidance are rescinded; FHWA aims to have updated draft NEVI Formula Guidance published for public comment in the spring; no new obligations may occur under the NEVI Formula Program until the updated final NEVI Formula Guidance is issued and new State plans are submitted and approved”.
MDT will not review or score submitted SOQs, and debriefs with proposers will not be permitted. MDT appreciates your participation with submitting SOQs.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 08:13 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Does the applicant/proposer have to be a licensed contractor in the Montana in order to apply for MT NEVI Round 1, if they will be the contracted entity?
Submitted: Tuesday 21-JAN-2025 03:30 PM
The proposer may be any entity as long as they satisfy the RFQ, RFP, and NEVI Contract requirements through a member of the team. The EVSE installation contractor and any other team member that will perform construction or installation will be required to be a licensed contractor.
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 08:15 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Can team members listed in the application round be changed in the post award phase, should things change over the next few months?
Submitted: Tuesday 21-JAN-2025 03:34 PM
As described in Section 4.2.3 of the draft RFP, changes to Proposers information in the SOQ, including changes to Form A (Proposer Team Organization) shall not be made without written approval of MDT. If changes are approved, MDT reserves the right to adjust the SOQ score that is carried forward and included as part of the Technical Proposal Score.
Note that proposed staff and Subcontractors will be incorporated into the Contract through Exhibit 1 of the draft Contract and changes to staff and Subcontractors identified in Exhibit 1 are subject to MDT Approval as described in Section 6.1.3 and Section 6.2.5 of the draft Contract.
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 08:14 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Per page 6 section 3.2.5, proposers shall provide a surety bond in the amount of 10% of the total project cost in the SOQ phase. Will applicants have to submit another bond during the official RFP round?
Submitted: Wednesday 22-JAN-2025 04:00 PM
No bonds are required with the SOQ. However, pursuant to Section, evidence of bonding capacity is required. Because the Eligible Project Costs will not be determined until submittal of the Price Proposal, the evidence of capacity to provide Contract Bonds must demonstrate that Proposer will be able to obtain seven, $1M Contract Bonds for a total of $7M in bonding capacity. If the Proposer is not a contractor, Proposer may provide evidence of bonding capacity of its contractor.
The draft Contract will be revised to require the Contract Bonds to be provided as a condition precedent to Contract execution and not as a condition precedent to start of construction as currently drafted. The RFQ is amended to delete the body of Section and replace it with “Reserved”. No evidence of the ability to obtain a Proposal guarantee (also referred to as Proposal bond or bid bond) is required. The draft RFP will be revised to require that a Proposal guarantee in the amount of 10% of the Total Proposed Eligible Costs be provided as part of the Price Proposal.
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 08:13 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Must applicants register with the Montana Department of Labor prior to the submission of the SOQ or the official RFP?
Submitted: Tuesday 21-JAN-2025 03:40 PM
All entities identified in Form A of the SOQ (Proposer Team Organization) must be registered with the Montana Department of Labor and Industries prior the date shown in Section 2.1 of the RFQ for “Identification of the Successful Proposer”. Section 6.1.3 of the draft Contract will be revised to require that all that all Subcontractor be registered with the Montana Department of Labor and Industries prior to notifying MDT of any change in Subcontractors.
Submitted: Wednesday 22-JAN-2025 08:19 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Can the DOT please confirm that no bid bond is required for submission, only the bondability letter?
Submitted: Thursday 23-JAN-2025 12:20 PM
This question has been rescinded by the enquirer.
Submitted: Thursday 23-JAN-2025 12:20 PM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Devon O'Connor
What file naming convention should applicants use for the required SOQ single PDF file?
Submitted: Monday 27-JAN-2025 03:20 PM
Proposers shall submit the SOQ as two separate files which shall be named as follows:
• 10436_[NEVI_Contractor_Name]_SOQ_Admin_[Date]
• 10436_[NEVI_Contractor_Name]_SOQ_General_[Date]