MDT is an awardee of the FY 2024-2025 grant for its US-93 Darby, Montana to Idaho Wildlife Crossing Feasibility Study.

MDT is an awardee of the FY 2023 grant for its I-90 Missoula to Garrison Feasibility Study.


The Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program includes $350 million for FYs 2022 through 2026. There is $1475,250,000 of funds available for the FY 2024/2025 cycle. For the FY 2026 cycle there will be approximately $80,000,000 of funds available. Not less than 60 percent of grant funds will be awarded to projects located in rural areas. Eligible projects include:


  • Research on safety innovations to reduce wildlife vehicle collisions (WVC).
  • Research and monitoring on the effectiveness of WVC mitigation.
  • Development of mapping tools to document WVCs.
  • Analysis of WVC impacts and best practices to reduce WVCs.
  • Planning studies to identify terrestrial and aquatic wildlife migrations corridors and roadway barriers to habitat that lead to WVCs.
  • Outreach activities to educate the public on WVC hazards.


  • Design and pre-construction of an underpass or overpass for wildlife passage.
  • Environmental permitting and ROW acquisition to construct a wildlife crossing structure.
  • Adaptation or replacement of a culvert or bridge structure to accommodate connectivity for terrestrial species that are experiencing WVCs.
  • Construction of a wildlife overpass or underpass and fencing.
  • Preservation or restoration of habitat necessary to secure the effectiveness of a crossing project.
  • Construction of multiple crossing structures in an area to connect habitat for terrestrial or aquatic species.

FY 2024 NOFO Release Date: June 6, 2024

FY 2024 Submission Date: September 4, 2024

For additional detailed information, please see the U.S. DOT WCPP Grant Program Webpage.

FY 2022, 2023, and 2024/25 WCPP Grant Applications Submitted by MDT

Grant Application Name Project Type Grant Application Description Approximate Amount Requested
FY 2024/2025 Applications
Cougar Creek Bridge Replacement and Wildlife Accommodations Construction Replacement of the Cougar Creek bridge and the adjacent recreational bridge, with a design to improve terrestrial and aquatic habitat connectivity. Project includes wildlife accommodations. $6,580,000
US-93 Darby to Idaho Feasibility Study Planning Investigative study to plan for wildlife crossings that will optimize the reduction of WVCs while providing the safest passage for wildlife across 30 miles on US-93 between Darby and the Montana border with Idaho. $424,242
Mouth of Gallatin Canyon Wildlife Crossing Project Construction This project will construct wildlife accommodations to include a wildlife overpass, bridge/riparian retrofit reconfigurations, cattle guards, fencing, and jumpouts along a section of US-191 north of Big Sky. $14,100,000
FY 2022/2023 Applications
Cougar Creek Bridge Replacement and Wildlife Accommodations Construction Replacement of the Cougar Creek bridge and the adjacent recreational bridge, with a design to improve terrestrial and aquatic habitat connectivity. Project includes wildlife accommodations. $6,700,000
I-90 Missoula to Garrison Feasibility Study Planning Investigative study to plan for wildlife crossings that will optimize the reduction of WVCs while providing the safest passage for wildlife across 68 miles on I-90 between Missoula and Garrison. $424,000