Dear Stakeholders,
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is working with Sanderson Stewart and the City of Great Falls on the 9th Street NW Reconstruction.
Since our last update, MDT and Sanderson Stewart have completed the Scope of Work Report, documenting project improvement items to be included within the project. Environmental reports are now complete, and the project team is developing a detailed design. A public open house and a presentation to Neighborhood Council #2 will be scheduled and held during the design process. The project team will contact individual landowners next to the planned reconstruction to discuss specifics as the design progresses.
This project will reconstruct 9th Street NW from Central Avenue W to the Northwest Bypass.
Work will include:
- Replacing deteriorated pavement.
- Installing new curbs and gutters.
- An upgraded signal at the intersection of 9th Street NW and the Northwest Bypass.
- Upgraded storm drains.
- Sidewalk installation and repair.
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps.
Adding sidewalks and ADA-compliant facilities will enhance pedestrian safety and accessibility. This will also improve overall route connectivity for pedestrians in Great Falls. The project also includes storm drain facilities to improve ponding and drainage issues.
If you have questions or feedback on the project, please contact
Construction is tentatively planned for 2026.
Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is working with Sanderson Stewart and the City of Great Falls on the 9th Street NW Reconstruction project. This project is a joint effort between the City of Great Falls and MDT, nominated through the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) process.
The project will reconstruct 9th Street NW from Central Avenue W to NW Bypass. As part of the project, the deteriorating pavement will be replaced, storm drains will be upgraded, the existing signal at NW Bypass and 9th Street NW will be upgraded, and ADA-compliant curb ramps and sidewalks throughout the project limits will be installed.

9th Street NW Reconstruction Map.

9th Street NW Proposed Cross-Section
Project Timeline
The next steps will be completing the project’s design, followed by securing the necessary Right-of-Way (ROW) to construct the project. MDT, the City of Great Falls, and Sanderson Stewart will work directly with landowners and businesses to ensure the project design meets the public’s needs and provide the smoothest ROW process possible. Construction is tentatively planned for 2026, depending on the completion of the design and the availability of funds.
Impacts on the Public
Parking along 9th Street NW may be disrupted for the duration of this project, and some of the existing city boulevards currently used as parking on the road’s shoulder will be replaced with new sidewalks. To schedule a meeting to discuss parking disruptions and replacement, please reach out to
Engineer to English
Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs): Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in Billings, Great Falls, and Missoula developed Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) in partnership with local and state governments as part of MDT’s ongoing commitment to a comprehensive, cooperative transportation planning process.
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO): A group in an urban area of more than 50,000 people responsible for transportation planning. It is a partnership between a locale and the federal government that helps guide investment decisions for projects like this one. MPOs identify opportunities to improve safety, plan improvements, and analyze trends.
Right-of-Way: Right-of-way consists of the legal right to make a ‘way’ over, or use, someone else’s land. MDT may acquire right-of-way by buying a piece of land or purchasing an ‘easement’ for specific transportation or public utility use (fiber internet, natural gas, power lines, etc.). Most easements are on private property though some are owned by the state, city, or county.
Easement: A right created by an agreement to cross or use someone else’s property for a specific purpose. Examples may include placing utilities through a specific property or the necessity to access another property.
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