The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and in coordination with Fallon County and the City of Baker, conducted a corridor planning study that included the City of Baker and surrounding vicinity. A need was been identified for a planning study to examine freight traffic through the downtown area, as well as the internal transportation network, highway issues, and other identified transportation needs.
The goal of the study was to assess current and projected conditions in the Baker area and to develop a package of short- and long-term improvement options addressing the needs identified through the study process. The study identified feasible improvement options to address safety, operations, and geometric concerns. Additionally, the study analyzed potential impacts of the improvements; identified constraint areas; and gathered public, resource agency, and stakeholder input. This was a planning-level study and was not a design or construction project.
The study area includes U.S. Highway 12 from Reference Marker (RM) 79.0 to RM 88.1 and Montana Highway 7 from RM 31.9 to RM 37.6. The City of Baker is within the study area, as are the Baker Municipal Airport and BNSF Railway. Land use in the study area is a diverse mix and includes rural residential, agricultural, oil and gas development, and recreational areas, among others.