The 27th Street Railroad Crossing Final Report is available here. The intent of this study is to expand on the previous studies and prepare a more detailed analysis of the crossing, potential impacts and improvements with the goal of providing practicable and fundable short-term and long-term improvement solutions for the 27th Street railroad crossing.
27th Street with Railroad Crossing Lights and Gate
27th Street RR Crossing – BLGS
STPX 53-1(37)1
UPN 9354000
MDT Contract Number 110264
Project Overview
The scope of this project is to develop a feasibility study to determine short and long-term solutions for the existing at-grade railroad crossing on 27th Street in Billings. A high-level study was recently completed (2016 Montana Rail Grade Separation Study), identifying this location as being a high priority for MDT. A more detailed study is now being conducted to identify specific solutions that are fundable and meet the needs at this location.
The detailed feasibility study will consider, at a minimum; traffic operational and engineering analyses, safety, Railroad coordination, bicycle/pedestrian facilities, ADA needs, environmental issues, geometric considerations, right-of-way, utilities, public engagement, stakeholder input and impacts to adjacent buildings.
Project Map

Project Team

This MDT project combines the talents of HDR, Dowl, Kittelson and Associates, LDI and Big Sky Acoustics to produce a study that identifies short-term and long-term improvement solutions for the 27th Street at-grade railroad crossing in Billings. The team is also evaluating solutions via a transparent decision process, which incorporates feedback from local stakeholders and the public.
UPN 9354000