Project Overview
Updated on January 17, 2025
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), in cooperation with Missoula County, is proposing to construct a new two-lane bridge over the Bitterroot River west of Missoula as part of the Bitterroot River Bridge, Missoula project. The bridge will have one travel lane in each direction and cross the Bitterroot River as an extension of South Avenue. A shared-use path on the roadway and bridge is a component of this project being funded with non-bridge funds. This project would enhance safety for the traveling public by constructing a new bridge structure and associated roadway approaches that meet current design standards and future traffic demands. The existing Maclay Bridge on North Avenue will also be removed with the project.
This project is still in the design planning phase; no tentative construction timeline has been set. Please return to this page for more information as it becomes available.
Project Partners
HDR is the local engineering firm originally hired by Missoula County and retained by MDT to provide the project design, environmental documentation, and public outreach. HDR has included Tetra Tech and DJ&A on the design team to provide geotechnical design and surveying, respectively.
UPN 6296000