Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is designing improvements for the Airport Road and Main Street intersection, just north of Rimrock Auto Arena at MetraPark. The intersection is a critical junction that serves local businesses, commuters, and freight trips. Today, the corridor is very busy and carries an average of about 63,500 vehicles per day. Traffic is expected to increase in the next twenty years creating increased congestion and safety issues if not addressed. The goals of this project are to:
- Improve safety and mobility for all users
- Reduce congestion
- Improve the pedestrian and bicycle environment
- Have an open, honest, and transparent decision-making process
Over a dozen alternatives were explored to improve the intersection. Based on feedback from businesses and residents during two public meetings, input from a Citizen’s Advisory Committee, and one on one meetings with adjacent property owners, an alternative has been selected to move forward into design and ultimately construction. The selected “Modified Alternative” blends several alternatives together to balance regional and local impacts while still meeting project goals. Highlights include:
- Three eastbound left turn lanes from Airport Road to turn north onto Main Street. Shifts roadway to north (dark gray area)
- Two westbound lanes on the east leg of Airport Road to address MetraPark traffic
- Right turn lane from southbound Main Street heading west onto Airport Road
- Left turn lane from southbound Main Street to turn east onto Airport Road
- A signal at the Aronson Road/Main Street Intersection
Modified Concept

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