Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) plans to improve approximately five miles of US Highway 87 (US 87), West of Divide, near Lewistown.
The improvements include:
- Reconstruction of the highway to 12 feet travel lanes and 8 feet shoulders.
- Replacement of one timber bridge and a stock pass with modern structures.
- Roadway realignment where needed.
- Drainage improvements.
- Replacement of existing signs.
- Installation of shoulder rumble strips to enhance safety for the traveling public.
- Analyzing the possibility of and need for an eastbound 12 feet wide truck climbing lane.
Rumble Strips! Did you know...
- The use of rumble strips reduces the number and severity of roadway crashes.
- Shoulder rumble strips reduce the number of run-off-the-road crashes.
This project is in the design phase, and improvement features may change as MDT learns more about the conditions in the corridor.

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UPN 8538