Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is currently in the design phase of a project that will improve the Exposition Drive (Main Street) and 1st Avenue North intersection in Billings. The intersection is located approximately half a mile west of the Dick Johnston Bridge that spans the Yellowstone River on US Highway 87 (US 87), and serves as a gateway to downtown Billings, the Heights, Interstate 90 (I-90), and MetraPark.
The purpose of the project is to address and improve issues related to transportation safety and congestion, stormwater management, nonmotorized connectivity, and pavement conditions. The project included a tiered process to develop and screen intersection alternatives. This multi-year process included public outreach efforts, coordination with the City of Billings and Yellowstone County, and resulted in the selection of a preferred alternative that is currently under design by MDT and planned for construction.
Project Description
The Exposition Drive (Main Street) & 1st Avenue North project will enhance safety and improve bicycle and pedestrian connectivity, vehicle capacity, freight, drainage, and pavement condition within the project area. These improvements are intended through the following project components:
- Installing raised medians on sections of 1st Avenue North.
- Improving lighting on Main Street and 1st Avenue North.
- Removing the unsignalized, eastbound slip-lane at the Main Street and 1st Avenue North intersection.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity
- New sidewalk and shared-use path connections on Main Street and 1st Avenue North, including a connection to the Jim Dutcher Trail.
- New or improved crossings at intersections throughout the project area.
Vehicle Capacity
- Converting the westbound right turn-lane at the Main Street and 1st Avenue North intersection to free-running movement.
- Adding a fourth northbound travel lane on Main Street from 1st Avenue North to 4th Avenue North.
- Improving storage lengths of turn lanes at the Main Street and 1st Avenue North intersection.
- Improving intersection layouts to accommodate freight movements.
Drainage and Pavement
- Improving storm-drain system to address flooding and drainage issues.
- Re-constructing roadways to improve pavement conditions.

Click the image for a larger view.
Project Timeline
- Alternatives Analysis (2019 to 2021):
Development of transportation study, which included an evaluation of project alternatives and selection for design and construction. - Design and Right-of-Way (2022 to 2026): Development of project design and right-of-way acquisition. This phase of the project is currently in-progress.
- Construction (Anticipated to begin in 2027): Construction of the project. Timeline is subject to change based on funding availability, design completion, right-of-way acquisition, and other unforeseen factors.
How Can I Get Involved?
Please reach out to the MDT or Consultant Project Manager if you have any questions or comments about the project. Their contact information is shown to the right under “Contacts”.
There are three public information meetings anticipated in 2025 and 2026 as part of the design and right-of-way phases of the project. These meetings will include opportunities to engage with the project team in virtual and in-person settings. This page will be updated with information on meeting dates and locations once determined.
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