What is the current status of the project?
September 2024
The Highway 84 - East of Norris Corridor Study project continues advancing. An environmental review that included drilling and data collection was completed last year, with some additional drilling this spring.
This study has been initiated in response to crash patterns identified on Montana Highway 84 (MT 84). The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), in partnership with Morrison-Maierle (MMI), is examining safety improvements for the Madison River corridor.
Currently, the project team is reviewing many different solution alternatives. These alternatives include carving into the landscape, flattening curves, re-aligning the road to go around the mountains.
MDT and MMI are collaborating to narrow the proposed alternatives to a design solution that may be a hybrid of the alternatives. This design is anticipated to be completed and shared with the public in late 2024 or early 2025. An open house will be scheduled to discuss the proposed options.
A construction date is unknown and will depend on the design selected and funding availability.
Project Overview
Montana Highway 84 (MT 84) is one of the primary ways that residents and tourists in the Gallatin Valley access the Madison River, one of the most well-known rivers in Montana. It is also an important thoroughfare for some of Montana’s smaller communities, such as Norris and Ennis, to travel to the airport or commute to other businesses in the Bozeman area. With its hilly terrain and curves following the river, this two-lane highway has proved to have more crashes than the statewide average for similar highways.
To bring Vision Zero to a reality along this corridor, MDT is conducting the Madison River Corridor Study and is exploring all feasible solutions.
Why is a corridor study being conducted?
Corridor studies are conducted in the early phases of the planning process, prior to building out an anticipated road design and beginning construction. Once a roadway with a traffic problem is identified, a study is conducted to catalogue possible solutions to the problem. This process is especially critical on large highway projects, such as MT 84. The study not only considers how to solve the current need, but also how the roadway will function in the future.
Without a thorough study, the solution for MT 84 might only address a part of the roadway, not solving a larger problem. If the larger problem isn’t solved, more construction and maintenance could be needed sooner. To maximize cost-effectiveness, a careful and strategic approach to updates on this corridor is needed.
A long-term, sustainable solution has yet to be identified for MT 84. In carefully assessing the problem and seeking the best option, MDT is reaching out to those who live, work, and play in this area.
In addition to sharing your thoughts with us, it is our goal to ensure you know how this project is advancing. Questions or comments can be sent to MDT via:
- Email: Contact Becca
via email to subscribe for updates, ask questions, or submit a comment - Project hotline: 406-207-4484 during business hours