Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is improving nearly 6 miles of Interstate-90 (I-90) in the Lolo National Forest, beginning on the Montana side of the Montana-Idaho border. MDT separated the six-mile stretch into two projects, Taft – West and Lookout Pass – East. Both projects are in rugged, mountainous, and heavily forested terrain and parallel the St. Regis River. The proposed improvements will be constructed within the existing roadway width, and no right of way impacts are anticipated at this time.
Taft – West (Segment 2)
The project is anticipated to begin the week of May 6 and will take 2 construction seasons to complete.
The Taft – West project begins east of the Dena Mora rest area and extends approximately 2 miles, ending east of the Taft Interchange. The project will replace deteriorating pavement with new and more durable concrete, as well as provide additional improvements:
- Surface drainage upgrades and culvert replacements.
- Concrete barrier replacement.
- Roadway lighting and signage updates.
The design phase for the Taft – West project is complete, and MDT has scheduled construction to begin spring 2024 and extend through 2025.
To maintain one open lane of traffic in each direction on I-90, only one side (east or westbound) will be reconstructed at a time.
Lookout Pass – East (Segment 1)
The Lookout Pass – East project begins at the Montana-Idaho border and extends about 2 miles east, ending at the beginning of the Taft – West project. Similar to the Taft – West project, this project will replace deteriorating pavement with new and more durable concrete as well as provide additional improvements:
- Lookout Pass interchange safety enhancements.
- Surface drainage upgrades and culvert replacements.
- Concrete barrier replacement.
- Roadway lighting and signage updates.
The Lookout Pass – East project is currently in the design phase. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2026, depending on the availability of funding and design completion.
MDT understands how important this section of I-90 is to the public. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to learn more about these upcoming transportation improvements.
Project Location Map
The project begins on the Montana-Idaho border and extends almost 6 miles easterly to the Taft Interchange. Local access is provided at two interchanges: Lookout Pass and Taft. The Dena Mora Rest Area is located near the east end of the project area. The Dena Mora Rest Area is located near the eastern end of the project area.
Project Schedule
Construction of Segment 2, beginning at the Taft interchange for approximately 2 miles west, is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2024 and extend through 2025.
Segment 1 construction is scheduled to take place in 2026 and 2027, depending on the availability of funding and design completion.
Stay Involved
Stakeholder and public feedback are encouraged throughout all project phases to ensure MDT identifies a solution that best meets the traffic and safety needs of the community and all those who travel the roadway.
Montana's roads and bridges are mainly funded through a combination of federal (88.5%) and state/local (11.5%) funding sources. MDT receives no funding from Montana's general fund revenue. Federal road and bridge revenues are generated from the users of our highways through gasoline and diesel fuel taxes and apportioned to states through federal highway legislation.
MDT prioritizes the highest needs across the state making careful funding decisions each year.
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