The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the City of Missoula, conducted the Missoula Bridges Planning Study to identify potential bridge improvements for the Higgins Avenue and Madison Street Bridges. These bridges are structurally deficient and in need of rehabilitation/repair.
The study examined existing and projected conditions within the study area, and identified needs and objectives based on comments from the public and resource agencies and input from the study advisory committee. The study recommended short-term and long-term improvement options to meet the bridge needs and objectives. Implementation of recommended improvement options is dependent on funding availability and other system priorities statewide.
Missoula Bridges Planning Study
Final Report
Appendix A: Public and Agency Participation Materials
Appendix B: Existing and Projected Conditions Report
Appendix C: Environmental Scan Report
Appendix D: Improvement Options Report