Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) has begun a four-phase road safety improvement project that will install median high-tension cable rail along sections of Interstate 90 (I -90) in the Missoula, Butte, and Bozeman areas and Interstate 15 (I-15) in the Butte and Helena areas. From start to finish, the Median High-Tension Cable Rail project will add high-tension cable rail across 150 miles of Montana’s roadways.
Designed with safety in mind, median high-tension cable rail is a flexible steel barrier mounted on sturdy posts in the center median. It has been proven to reduce the severity of crashes and prevent fatal collisions by stopping vehicles from crossing into oncoming traffic.
Current Construction Activity:
Construction on the Missoula area phase began in September 2024 and will continue in 2025. Poteet Construction was awarded the Missoula phase of the project, which will install median high-tension cable rail along 48 miles of I-90, spanning from west of Missoula near Wye east to exit 144 at Bearmouth and three miles at the westbound Quartz Flats Rest Area.
The Missoula phase is anticipated to be completed in 2026. This schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances, such as weather and project material availability.
Weekly updates will be available when construction resumes in the spring. To subscribe for email updates or if you have questions, contact
The Bozeman and Butte area phases of the project are complete. Both phases were awarded to Coral Construction Company.
The Bozeman area phase was completed in November 2023. Forty miles of high-tension cable rail was installed in the median of I-90 from Three Forks to the Bear Canyon Exit.
The Butte area phase began in October 2023 and was completed in November 2024. Median high-tension cable rail was installed along 18 miles of I-15 from the Buxton Interchange (mile marker 116), extending north for 18 miles, ending on Butte Hill (mile marker 134). On I-90, median high-tension cable rail was installed along 14 miles of the Interstate, from the Anaconda Interchange (mile marker 208) to the base of Homestake Pass (mile marker 230), ending two miles east of the Montana Highway 375 (MT 375) and Continental Drive Exit.
A start date for construction of phase four, I-15 near Helena, has yet to be determined.
UPN 9796000, 9797000 & 9839000.