Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) will reconstruct Mullan Road (Secondary Highway 263 (S 263)) from the intersection with Pulp Mill Road extending to just southeast of the intersection with Deschamps Lane. The project will provide an improved travel route for vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Improvements will:
- Construct a wider roadway including two, 12-foot lanes with 6-foot shoulders.
- Replace the culvert and bridge crossings at O’Keefe Creek, LaValle Creek, and the Primrose Irrigation Canal.
- Straighten curves and flatten hills, where feasible, to improve visibility.
- Design a new shared-use pathway for bicyclists and pedestrians.
- Increase ditch sizes where possible to better handle snow storage and drainage.
- Replace the guardrail and upgrade pavement markings, signage, fencing and pavement for a smoother driving surface.
The intersection with Deschamps Lane will be realigned to create a more perpendicular intersection for improved sight distance.
Project Schedule
It is currently anticipated that that the design will be complete in 2027. Currently, construction funding has not been identified for this project within the next 5 years.
Project Location Map

Stay Involved, Stay Informed
Stakeholder and public feedback are encouraged throughout all project phases to ensure MDT identifies a solution that best meets the traffic and safety needs of the surrounding communities and all those who use the roadway.
In general, Montana's roads and bridges are funded through a combination of federal and state/local funding sources (86.6% federal / 13.4% state for this project). MDT receives no funding from Montana's general fund revenue. Federal road and bridge revenues are generated from the users of our highways through gasoline and diesel fuel taxes and apportioned to states through federal highway legislation. MDT will evaluate additional funding opportunities and partnerships as the project progresses.
MDT prioritizes the highest needs across the state each year while making funding decisions.
UPN 6141000