Project Overview
The City of Columbia Falls has been awarded a project through the Transportation Alternatives Program with the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) for the construction of a shared-use path and sidewalk along 4th Avenue West and Railroad Street in Columbia Falls. MDT, along with the City of Columbia Falls, has recently contracted with the engineering firm Morrison-Maierle to begin the design phase of the project.
Currently, no paths or sidewalks are in this area. Many people walk the railroad tracks alongside Railroad Street as a dangerous alternative to walking on the busy roadway. Glacier Gateway Elementary School is close to the project site, further increasing the need for sidewalks and a path in the neighborhood.
Scope of Work
The project includes constructing approximately three-quarters of a mile of an eight-foot-wide shared-use path that will head north along the east side of 4th Avenue West from 3rd Street West, turn east and continue along the south side of Railroad Street to 4th Avenue East. At that point, a five-foot-wide sidewalk continues another 1,400 feet east, connecting to the existing asphalt path at the 8th Avenue East intersection.

Railroad St. Path & Walks – Columbia Falls Map
Project Funding
The project is funded through Transportation Alternatives funding and local matching funds provided by the City of Columbia Falls. Once construction is complete, the city will maintain the path and sidewalks.
If you have questions or concerns regarding this project, please get in touch with us below by emailing Sloane at

UPN 10099