Project Overview

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and its construction partner Kiewit has begun reconstruction of about four miles of Montana Highway 83 (MT 83) along the east side of Salmon Lake. Roadway safety improvements will:
- Increase visibility.
- Widen the highway to include paved shoulders.
- Straighten curves and flatten the roadway profile.
- Improve existing cut slopes to reduce rockfall hazards.
- Create drainage improvements.
- Install new signage and guardrail.
Tree clearing in the project area was completed late-August 2022. Construction has started this year with final construction activities wrapping up in the spring of 2024.
Project Purpose
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) will reconstruct Highway 83 along the east side of Salmon Lake. The project purpose is to:
- Upgrade the existing roadway to accommodate current and projected motor vehicle traffic
- Better facilitate bicycle travel
- Enhance roadside safety for all users
The project is also needed to address the deteriorating pavement, lack of shoulders, and difficult roadside environment along some segments.
Project Schedule

Construction Schedule

Construction Manager/General Contractor
MDT is using the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) process to deliver this project.
- MDT working with a design consultant, HDR, and the contractor is Kiewit Infrastructure Company
- The project will develop a construction staging plan that preserves access and promotes mobility for residents and traveling public
There are many advantages to CM/GC. For area stakeholders one of the best advantages is that the road contractor hears firsthand about community concerns during construction like keeping the road open for safety (i.e., access for emergency response vehicles, etc.).

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Montana's roads and bridges are mainly funded through a combination of federal (88.5%) and state/local (11.5%) funding sources. MDT receives no funding from Montana's general fund revenue. Federal road and bridge revenues are generated from the users of our highways through gasoline and diesel fuel taxes and apportioned to states through federal highway legislation.
Project Area Map

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Interactive Map
The interactive map depicts the project extents and provides project website links for three separate Seeley Corridor projects, including Clearwater Junction Intersection, Salmon Lake Highway Reconstruction, and Seeley Lake - South. Click on an item in the list and it will zoom to project extents. The Project Website button will redirect to each project's main website. The pop-up map will appear when you click directly on project extents.
UPN 1233003