STIP Headings
The image below is an example excerpt from the STIP document.

The highway portion of the STIP is organized by District – MDT has 5 financial Districts: Missoula, Butte, Great Falls, Glendive and Billings. Each District section of the STIP includes contact information and a map. This project is in the Great Falls District
Each of the District Highway Pages lists one of the following "Phases" in the title block: Preliminary Engineering (PE), Right of Way (RW), Incidental Construction (IC), Construction (CN), or Other (OT). Preliminary Engineering is the start of a project and when the design begins. The PE Phase in the STIP is for proposed projects and is the best opportunity for public input. The remaining phases come after a significant portion of the design work has been completed (but in some cases the design work isn’t completely done). Changing the project scope after the PE phase would be difficult. This project is in the Preliminary Engineering Phase
Click each link to read the definition for the corresponding data within the STIP document.
Fiscal Year begins on October 1 and continues through September 30 each year (i.e. October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018). This provides the year that the project phase in the title block will begin if approved by FHWA. This project is scheduled for fiscal year 2018
The Uniform Project Number (UPN) is a sequentially generated number and is also a unique project identifier. It allows MDT to easily track all information related to the individual project. The UPN for this project is 9591
This number is connected to the UPN. If the original project requires a split, the Unit # will change to show there is a project split off the main project. The unit number for this project is 000 (it has not been split)
Ties to the type of funding as defined at the beginning of the STIP document. The prefix for this project is NH
The project name is based on location of the project and will sometimes describe the project purpose. The project name is Havre – West.
The project location describes the signed route in which the project occurs on. The project location is US-2
This is the beginning milemarker or reference point of the project to help determine the location. The reference point (REF POINT) for this project is 372.14
Total length of project in miles. The project length is 7.033
The project scope describes the type of improvement and will sometimes describe the nature of the projects intent. The scope of this project is a Chip Seal
This number shows the cost estimate for THIS PHASE of the project. The estimated cost for this project phase is less than $1 million