Project Overview

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) will reconstruct seven miles of US Highway 2 (US 2) between Chinook and Harlem to enhance roadway safety features. The project begins at the Battle Creek Bridge six miles east of Chinook and ends seven miles west of Harlem. The existing railroad tracks generally run parallel and to the north of the highway. These improvements will enhance roadway safety and service to local communities, agriculture, industry, commerce, and tourism along US 2.
MDT may shift parts of the roadway south to minimize impacts to the railroad during the widening process. Widening this section of US 2 will allow MDT to achieve a modern, 40-foot top width roadway, which includes 12-foot travel lanes and 8-foot shoulders, with the potential for passing lanes. MDT plans to replace all existing bridges and culverts within the project area.
This is a design phase project. The design phase will take four to five years and allows MDT to collect a variety of data that informs construction plans. Construction is estimated to begin after 2027.
Project Timeline and Cost
Similar projects cost between $2 and $3 million per mile, depending on the number of bridges.
Impacts on the Public
During the design phase, impacts to the public will be minimal. Motorists may see periodic traffic control measures with reduced speeds and flaggers during field and survey work.
During construction, the traveling public should expect one-lane traffic with flaggers during regular work hours and two lanes open during nights and weekends. There may be up to three detours needed to accommodate construction of bridges.
MDT will work closely with the traveling public to ensure that wide loads, pedestrian and bicycle traffic, mail delivery, business accesses, and school bus routes are accommodated throughout construction.
Project Map

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UPN 9539000