The Infrastructure Investment and Job Act (IIJA) enacted on November 15, 2021, requires States to complete a vulnerable road user safety assessment of the safety performance of the State with respect to vulnerable road users and the plan of the State to improve the safety of vulnerable road users.
Montana Vulnerable Road User Safety Assessment
Vulnerable road users (VRU) are defined as a non-motorist with a NHTSA Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) code attribute of a pedestrian, bicyclist, other cyclist, a person on a personal conveyance or an injured person. A vulnerable road user may include people walking, bicycling, or rolling; and includes a highway worker on foot in a work zone; but does not include a motorcyclist.
Addressing VRU safety issues through a coordinated and collaborative approach allows people that walk, bicycle, or roll full and safe access to the transportation system. The purpose of the VRU safety assessment is to identify and develop strategies to reduce safety risks to vulnerable road users (VRU) in areas identified as high-risk. Data analysis of VRU fatalities and serious injuries and contributing factors will inform the identification of strategies and countermeasures to reduce risks.