The proposed project is being funded through the Surface Transportation (STP) Block Grant Program Off-System Bridge Program. STP funds are federally apportioned to Montana and allocated by the Montana Transportation Commission (Commission) to a variety of programs. The Off-System Bridge Program is funded through the federal gas tax.
Funds are federally apportioned to Montana under the provisions of the current highway bill, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The Commission distributes off-system bridge funds statewide based on off-system bridge inspections, need, and county priorities.
Of the funding available, 86.58 percent is federal, and the state is responsible for the remaining 13.42 percent. MDT receives no funding from Montana's general fund revenue. Federal road and bridge revenues are generated from the users of our highways through gasoline and diesel fuel taxes and apportioned to states through federal highway legislation. The state share is funded through the Highway State Special Revenue Account. MDT prioritizes the highest needs across the state while making funding decisions each year.