Why is MDT preparing the CRS?
Development of the CRS is a federal requirement under the National Carbon Reduction Program (NCRP), which was signed into law as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)/Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) on November 15, 2021.
What is the purpose of the CRS?
The purpose of the CRS is to outline projects and strategies to reduce transportation emissions and support related federal goals to reduce single occupant vehicle trips, facilitate travel by lower emission transportation modes, and implement lower emission construction practices.
What are transportation emissions?
Transportation emissions are defined as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from highway-related sources such as the operation of personal vehicles and construction equipment and from the process used to manufacture highway construction materials. CO2 is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through the combustion of fossil fuels, including coal, natural gas, and oil in the form of gasoline and diesel fuels.
Why does the CRS seek to reduce transportation emissions?
In 2020, the United States emitted nearly 4,600 million metric tons of CO2 emissions, of which about 36 percent were generated by the transportation sector. The United States is committed to reducing net greenhouse gas pollution to address climate change and sustainability. The federal government is providing funding resources to help states advance this goal in the transportation sector. Efforts to reduce transportation carbon emissions can have a variety of positive effects for the public and the economy, from improving air quality and public health to enhancing energy efficiency and providing cost savings for motorists and businesses.
Who is paying for the CRS?
The federal government is providing funding for MDT to develop the CRS. Over the next five years, Montana expects to receive over $68 million in federal apportionments to develop and implement strategies and projects that satisfy the goals of the CRS.
When will the CRS be completed?
The federal deadline for completing the initial CRS is November 15, 2023. MDT released a public draft in September 2023. In future years, MDT will update the CRS every four years and incorporate into the state’s Long Range Statewide Transportation Plan and the Metropolitan Planning Organizations’ Long Range Transportation Plans.
How can I help reduce transportation emissions?
Everyone can play a part in reducing transportation emissions by minimizing and consolidating vehicle trips, traveling during off-peak periods when congestion is reduced, sharing rides with others, using public transportation, walking and biking, and considering alternative fuel vehicles.