The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), Riverside Contracting Inc, and Helena Sand and Gravel improved two areas in the Dillon region in 2023. The project included ADA-compliant curb ramps and sidewalk repairs, improved driving surface, upgraded signage, plus guardrail and bridge repairs. Seal and cover (chip seal) and sidewalk warranty work may occur in summer 2024.
First area: I 15
Location: The project began on Interstate 15 (I-15) from Park Street to just before the Apex interchange. It included the ramps of the northern I-15 interchange in Dillon, but did not include the southern I-15 interchange ramps.
Scope of work: Mill and overlay with new pavement, seal and cover, guardrail upgrades, bridge deck repair, rumble strips, and new signage and pavement markings.
Contractor: Riverside Contracting
Second area: Downtown Dillon
Location: At the southern I-15 interchange, beginning at the bottom of the I-15 northbound ramps (not including the ramps) and continuing along Atlantic Street, turning west on East Helena Street and stopping at the intersection of East Helena Street and Montana Street.
Scope of work: Mill and overlay with new pavement, seal and cover, ADA sidewalk upgrades, ramp and guardrail upgrades, bridge repair, and new signage and pavement markings.
Contractor: Helena Sand and Gravel
Project Map

UPN 10005000 & 9481000