Past Meetings
2020 Online Open House – October 13 & 15
MDT invited the public to participate in an online open house and live question and answer session to present planned improvements, new design features, and the next steps in the project. Those unable to attend the open house and live Q&A session can view a recording of the open house and participate in an online survey to provide comments.
Recorded Open House (10-13-20)
Recorded Open House (10-15-20)
Presentation Slides
Postcard Invitation
2019 Public Meeting – You Spoke and We Listened
MDT hosted a public meeting in 2019 to present design options and collect input from the public. Based on community feedback received at the public meeting, MDT is also developing plans to replace the I-15 Gore Hill Interchange overpass bridge. The new overpass structure will be built to the east of the current overpass to keep the interchange open and minimize traffic impacts during construction. The new bridge will be wider and include 12-foot travel lanes, 8-foot shoulders and a sidewalk.
April 25, 2019
Display Boards