Past Public Meetings and Stakeholder Engagement
MDT hosted meetings to engage with the public about the proposal to reconstruct about 5 miles of Secondary Highway 263 (S 263), commonly known as Mullan Road, between Missoula and Frenchtown. The project begins at the intersection with Pulp Mill Road and extends to just southeast of the intersection with Deschamps Lane.
The meetings allowed the public to meet the project team, share information, and have their questions answered. See below the PowerPoint presentation and recording from the online live public meeting and posters used during the in-person open house meeting.
Meeting #1
In-Person Open House Public Meeting, Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 4 to 6:30 p.m.
An in-person open house public meeting was held to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to meet the MDT and HDR team. The team also discussed landowner issues. View the Display Boards used at the public meeting.
Online Public Meeting, Thursday, May 9, 2024, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
An online public meeting was held to update stakeholders about the project. View the PPT Presentation | View the Online Meeting Video