Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) has initiated planning for a new eastbound scale site on Interstate 90 (I-90) between the Ramsay and Gregson/Fairmont Interchanges. A new scale site is necessary to replace the existing site, which is undersized, operationally obsolete, and located in an area with little opportunity for expansion.
The MDT is evaluating a site for the new scale between I-90 reference posts 213.0 and 214.2 along the west side of the interstate. The future scale site will replace the existing site located along the eastbound exit ramp at the Rocker Interchange (I-15 Exit 122/I-90 Exit 220). The project, designated as I-90 EB Scale Site – Ramsay [STPX 90-4(73)214, UPN 8797000] will be developed in two phases. The MDT has begun the initial phase, studying the site to determine its feasibility. The second phase will undertake engineering and design once the site’s location is established.
Work Completed To Date
A Draft Environmental Scan Report has been completed to identify existing environmental resources and conditions within the study area that may be potentially affected by construction of the proposed truck scale site or otherwise influence its location. The Draft Environmental Scan Report is part of a planning-level assessment undertaken before conducting project-level environmental compliance activities under the National and Montana Environmental Policy Acts (NEPA/MEPA), and future engineering design. The Draft Environmental Scan Report is available on the Documents page.

At this time, MDT is considering a new scale facility similar to the one recently built east of the Rocker Interchange (I-15 reference point 123.4) shown in the photo the right. Once the scale site location is identified, a new widened right-of-way is anticipated along the west side of I-90 to construct the scale and new interstate entrance and exit ramps.