Note about attachments

While intended to offer a substantial amount of detail, these materials do not necessarily contain all the attachments provided to the Montana Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Council. Because of their file size, maps and other graphic elements are most often excluded from publication to the web. If you don't see what you need, please email. For the hearing impaired, the TTY number is 800-335-7592 or 406-444-7696, or call the Montana Relay at 711. Alternative accessible formats of pertinent information will be provided upon request.

Meeting Date Materials
Materials will be added as received.
July 29 Minutes
August 5 Minutes
August 19 Minutes
August 26 Minutes
September 16 Minutes
September 23 Minutes
October 7 Minutes
October 21 Agenda Minutes
November 4 Agenda Minutes
November 18 Agenda Minutes
December 9 Agenda Minutes
December 16 Agenda Minutes