What’s the timeline for this project?
This project is currently in the early design phase with construction anticipated in 2029. Schedule updates will be provided as the project progresses.
What is the purpose of this project?
The Ash Street bridge over Big Spring Creek is nearly 60 years old and showing signs of deterioration. The narrow bridge is used heavily by school buses, trucks, cargo vehicles, and everyday traffic from neighboring communities. Replacing and widening the Ash Street bridge will provide a safer, smoother connection across Big Spring Creek. This project also presented an opportunity to improve pedestrian connectivity along the corridor by constructing a sidewalk on the north side of Walnut and Ash Streets.
Who is working on this project?
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is leading the Walnut & Ash Improvements project with input from the city of Lewistown and Fergus County.
DOWL is the engineering design consultant on this project.
Will construction impact traffic?
Some disruption to traffic is expected during construction. MDT, the city of Lewistown, and Fergus County will communicate impacts to the traveling public as much as possible. As construction gets closer, the project team will share the anticipated construction schedule, traffic control updates, and other important project information.
Where can I get more information?
Project updates will be posted regularly on this website. You can also sign up for email updates by emailing
Public open house(s) will be organized and advertised as the project progresses. This is a good opportunity to learn more about the project, see visual representations of the proposed improvements, and engage with members of the project team.
How can I ask questions or share concerns?
Comments, questions, or concerns can be directed to