This program is currently closed.
Please note, pursuant to 23 USC (162), States and Tribes are the only eligible applicants for NSBP grant funds and technical assistance. Other entities, such as byway organizations may partner with a state department of transportation (DOT) or Tribal government to submit an application. For purposes of grant administration, a State DOT or Indian Tribe agrees to serve as the lead for submitting grant applications and letters of intent, as well as administering grants for subrecipients.
Interested parties, who are not eligible to directly submit their application to FHWA, must submit their application (File Transfer Service, mail, or in person) to MDT in advanced of the NOFO deadline to allow MDT staff time to review the application and to confirm eligibility prior to submittal to the FHWA. This deadline will be advertised in the NOFO announcement at that time.
State DOTs and Tribes, as eligible applicants, may limit projects to certain byway designations or project types, establish internal deadlines, and/or set project cost thresholds, in accordance with the processes and procedures that each State DOT or Tribe establishes for prioritizing project applications for submittal to FHWA.
Please refer to MDT’s NSBP Guidelines for information on MDT’s requirements and criteria for prioritizing application submissions for National Scenic Byways Program funds.
Additional instructions will be posted on this webpage and is dependent on the details outlined in the NSBP’s NOFO at that time. MDT will make every effort to post such information as soon as reasonably possible. Please bookmark this page and check back regularly for updates.
MDT Byway Contact:
Heather Kuklo, State Scenic-Historic Byways Program Coordinator
PO Box 201001
Helena, MT 59620
406-444-3439 |