Yes, you must be a registered user of the OKTA before accessing MDT UPAS.

Need assistance or have a question regarding the UPAS system, contact our support team by phone at 406-444-6067 or via email at

The $100.00 technology fee is paid to the contractor directly to maintain the system and house the data on the cloud.

Yes, this is available by request. If you wish to request a historical permit, contact the UPAS team by phone at 406-444-6067 or via email at

Members of the utility company or their contractors that will be installing the utility. Property owners can also submit utility applications if a utility service for their property needs to cross MDT rights of way.

No, but if unforeseen problems arise, contact the local District Utility Agent for help with filling out the application on UPAS.

Yes, call your local District Utility Agent or contact the UPAS support team for possible online or onsite training. There are also step by step tutorials available for viewing on the UPAS landing page.

Call the District DUA for advice on if the permit should possibly be broken into separate permits. Separating a permit could help with work efficiency and/or a possible delay of a project due to environmental reasons.

The horizontal and vertical position and corresponding accuracy levels shall be obtained at each distinct feature, horizontal bends, vertical bends, points of deflection, and at specific points or intervals as needed to ensure the Positional Accuracy requirements stated in Chapter 43 of the Utilities manual for urban and rural are met.

Yes, they are:
• ASCE As-built requirements of positional accuracy level 3 is required for X, Y (Easting, Northing) and a positional accuracy level 4 applies for Z in all Urban boundary designated areas.

• Minimum requirements for Rural designated areas are ASCE positional accuracy of Level 5 for X, Y and Z.
Positional Accuracy Level Positional Accuracy1 (English Units) Positional Accuracy1,2 (SI Units)
1 0.1 feet 25 mm
2 0.2 feet 50 mm
3 0.3 feet 100 mm
4 1 foot 300 mm
5 3 feet 1000 mm
0 Indeterminate
You can locate Urban areas by going to the Urban maps page for Functional Classification Maps.

Consult with your DUA and establish a timeline for submitting the as-built data. This will ensure the other permits submitted by the said utility will not be placed on hold.

A PE or PLS do not need to stamp the as-built surveys for projects whether they are surveyed under the rural or urban accuracy levels. A company representative can certify the as-built survey data. A company that uses a PE or PLS will not be subjected to a department audit and inspection of the as-built data and will be reimbursed at cost share for survey costs related to a highway relocate project. If a company representative certifies the data, MDT can audit the as-built survey data and the company will not be reimbursed for survey costs on a highway relocate project.