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Reserve Drive Corridor Study
Progressive Design Build Guidance
Progressive Design Build Webinar – November 27, 2023 – PowerPoint
Awarded CMGC Projects
CM/GC Guidance Document
CM/GC Program Delivery Presentation
The ability to access this information online is not to be construed as an indication that a person or entity is eligible to receive bid proposals or to bid on projects for which bids are being solicited. Official bid proposal documents issued by the Department of Transportation must be used when bidding.
The availability of online information does not relieve prospective bidders of their obligation to review and become familiar with the plans, specifications, addenda, bidding requirements, site conditions, and all other relevant project and bidding requirements.
It is the contractor's responsibility to view any clarifications and/or questions and answers that are posted on the Question & Answer Forum for any project they may be submitting a bid on as a prime bidder, a subcontractor or a supplier. The information supplied in the forum is subject to change up until 5:00 PM on the day before the scheduled bid letting. The information that is posted at that time will be included in the awarded contract. Always refresh/reload your view when revisiting the forum to be sure you are accessing the most current information.