The roadway portion of the Railroad Overpass project was constructed by Knife River. Wadsworth Brothers Construction was selected to construct the overpass/bridge.
The Railroad Overpass project segment was split into two projects. This adjustment allows for construction to move forward on the roadway component of the project while permitting on the railroad bridge is completed. Yellowstone River Bridge was completed in fall of 2022.
The construction schedule was adjusted, moving the Railroad Overpass project segment ahead of the Johnson Lane Interchange segment. This adjustment is not anticipated to impact the overall project delivery schedule.
Riverside Contracting, Inc. completed construction of the Five Mile Road segment of the project. Wadsworth Brothers Construction began construction on the Yellowstone River Bridge project segment.
In September 2019, the Granite Construction/LHC team was selected as the construction manager/general contractor for the Johnson Lane Interchange. They will team with owner, MDT, and design engineer, DOWL, to deliver the Johnson Lane Interchange phase of the project.
2015 – 2017
Following the approved Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD), MDT selected DOWL to advance design and prepare construction documents with support from Kittelson & Associates, Marvin & Associates, Morrison Maierle and Peaks to Plains Design. The project progressed to preliminary design to confirm the alignments and right-of-way needs. Due to the project’s size, complexity and construction cost, the overall Bypass project was segmented into six separate construction projects.
2013 – 2014
The project was subsequently modified to include provision for phased implementation, and a Final EIS was released for public review and comment in March 2014. A Record of Decision was released in July 2014, which named Phase 1 of the Mary Street Option 2 Alternative as the selected alternative.
2011 – 2012
MDT and FHWA completed the Draft EIS (DEIS) and released it for public review and comment in August 2012.
FHWA reissued the Notice of Intent (NOI). The purpose and need statements were revised based on input from agencies and the public.
The local Policy Coordinating Committee (PCC) voted to re-scope the Billings Bypass Project to focus only on the eastern segment between I 90 and Old Highway 312.
FHWA released guidance requiring that all project phases planned within the life of the MTP must be included in the "fiscally constrained" Billings Urban Area Long-Range Transportation Plan. As proposed, the project did not have sufficient funding to be included in the plan.
2006 - 2008
The project team developed preliminary alternatives and provided agencies and the public with opportunities for input.
The Billings Urban Area Long-Range Transportation Plan Update, which is the fiscally constrained Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), included the Billings Bypass as a "regionally significant project" in the process of being implemented.
Scoping process began. Local, state, and federal agencies and the public were provided with opportunities to comment on the purpose and need and voice issues and concerns related to the proposed project.
FHWA issued the NOI that MDT would prepare an EIS on a proposal to construct a bypass route north of Billings in Yellowstone County, which would connect between I 90 and Montana Highway 3 (MT 3).
Billings North Bypass Feasibility Study investigated a bypass in the Billings area using a five-mile-wide corridor north of Billings to assess the feasibility of a bypass route connecting the I 90/Interstate 94 (I 94) interchange area east of Billings with MT 3 west of Billings.