Sportsmans Bridge logo

February 2025

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and partners are pleased to announce that the Sportsman’s Bridge project has reached several key milestones.

Final bridge, road, and intersection design plans have been completed. This includes the intersections of Montana Highway 82 (MT 82) with Oldenburg Road and Hanging Rock Drive. Right-of-way negotiations are finished and the necessary permit applications for construction are currently being submitted.

MDT continues to coordinate with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) on the design plans for the new Fishing Access Site (FAS), located on the west side of the Flathead River off Oldenburg Road.

Visit the Sportsman’s Bridge project webpage to view a recently updated graphic of the new FAS layout:

Construction of the new Sportsman’s Bridge is scheduled to begin in late summer 2025. This will occur after the upgraded FAS opens to the public and the existing FAS on the east side of the river is demolished to make room for the new bridge. Construction of the new FAS is anticipated to start this spring.

This schedule is contingent on federal funding availability, completion of the final design, economic conditions, and possible unforeseen factors.

The current bridge will remain open during construction with minimal to no traffic impacts.

November 2024

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) continues to make significant progress on the Sportsman’s Bridge replacement project.

In coordination with MDT, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) is working on the design plans for the new Fishing Access Site (FAS) located on the west side of the Flathead River off Oldenburg Road.

Plans for left- and right-hand turn lanes at the intersection of Montana Highway 82 (MT 82) and Oldenburg Road are currently being reviewed by MDT engineers. These turning lanes will enhance access to the new FAS.

Construction of the new Sportsman’s Bridge is anticipated to begin in summer 2025, once the new FAS is complete and open to the public. This will happen once the current FAS on the east side of the river is demolished to make room for the new bridge. The current bridge will remain open during construction with minimal to no traffic impacts.

To learn more about the Sportsman’s Bridge project and the upcoming replacement of the Bridge Street Bridge in Bigfork, drop by the upcoming Bridge Street-Bigfork open house celebration!

The in-person event will be held at Bigfork High School, at 600 Commerce Street on Thursday, November 21, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. No formal presentation will be made; all are welcome to stop by any time during the event.

Informational display boards regarding the Sportsman’s Bridge project will be featured, and a project team member will be available to answer questions.

For more information regarding the celebration, visit the Bridge Street – Bigfork project webpage.

July 2024

Significant progress has been made on the Sportsman’s Bridge replacement project since the last update in April, which announced the possible relocation of the Fishing Access Site (FAS) to the west side of the Flathead River.

After considering public feedback, and completing an Environmental Assessment, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) in coordination with MDT, is moving ahead with the relocation of the FAS to the west side of the Flathead River off Oldenburg Road.

Engineers are currently designing the new FAS site, as well as left- and right-hand turn lanes on Montana Highway 82 (MT 82) at the Oldenburg Road intersection to improve access to the new FAS.

Plans for the new Sportsman’s Bridge are complete. The new bridge will be built to the south of the current structure which will remain open during construction with minimal to no traffic impacts.

To create space for the construction of the new bridge, the new westside FAS will be constructed first, and the current eastside FAS demolished. This also ensures that the public has continued access to the Flathead River during bridge construction.

Construction of the new FAS is anticipated to begin in early 2025. Once the FAS is operational, bridge construction will begin. This schedule is subject to change due to funding availability, contractor availability, economic conditions, and other unforeseen factors.

Before construction begins, MDT will host an open house where the community can view final plans, learn more about the upcoming construction, and meet and ask questions directly to the project team.

Bridge construction is anticipated to begin in 2025. This schedule is subject to change due to funding availability, contractor availability, economic conditions, and other unforeseen factors.

April 2024

The project team has been working hard on new developments that will benefit the community.

As previously outlined, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is working to replace the Sportsman's Bridge that spans the Flathead River on Montana Highway 82 (MT), northwest of Bigfork. The new bridge will be built next to the current structure on the south side.

Since the Sportsman's Bridge is being shifted to the south, the Fishing Access Site (FAS) on the east bank of the Flathead River will be affected. MDT has been working with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) to address this impact.

Initially, the plan was to modify and upgrade the existing FAS, including relocating the access road off Hanging Rock Drive rather than off MT 82. However, after considering public feedback and assessing available options, FWP, in coordination with MDT, is considering relocating the FAS to the west side of the Flathead River off Oldenburg Road.

The new FAS west side location offers many benefits, including increased parking space and shoreline access compared to the current east side location. Additionally, the intersection of MT 82 with Oldenburg Road is preferred by both departments for its ease of access and safety features, compared to the alternative at Hanging Rock Drive.

Engineers are evaluating the design of left- and right-hand turn lanes on MT 82 at the Oldenburg Road intersection to improve access to the new FAS. The initial plans for an east-side FAS included constructing new turn lanes on MT 82 at the Hanging Rock Drive intersection, which will proceed as intended.

The possibility of relocating the new FAS on the west side of the river has delayed the replacement of Sportsman's Bridge. The new FAS must be built first to create space for the new bridge to be constructed. This also ensures that the public has continued access to the Flathead River.

Bridge construction is anticipated to begin in 2025. This schedule is subject to change due to funding availability, contractor availability, economic conditions, and other unforeseen factors.

Before construction begins, MDT will host an open house where the community can view final plans, learn more about the upcoming construction, and meet and ask questions directly to the project team.

February 2023

Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) staff continue to negotiate right-of-way changes for the Sportsman’s Bridge project, and road plan revisions resulting from these negotiations are being addressed.

Permit applications required for construction are also being submitted.

The project is still on track for construction to begin this fall; however, this timetable is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances such as economic conditions, funding, and contractor availability.

MDT will continue to perform routine maintenance on the existing bridge from time to time until the new bridge is opened for travel. Drivers should be mindful and watch for workers, crews, and signage when traveling through the area.

If you have additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to share them with us by emailing Sloane at or calling the project hotline at 406-207-4484 during business hours.

November 2022

The Sportsman’s Bridge project has made significant progress since the last update. The bridge design is under final review, and Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) staff are negotiating right-of-way changes.

Permit applications, including hydraulics, geotechnical impacts, utilities, and environmental impacts, are being submitted in preparation for construction. The project is on track for construction to begin in Fall 2023; however, this is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances such as economic conditions, funding, and contractor availability.

As the project progresses, MDT will continue to perform routine maintenance on the existing bridge from time to time. Drivers should be mindful and watch for workers, crews, and signs when traveling through the area.

To learn more about Bigfork’s upcoming bridge projects - Sportsman’s Bridge and Bridge Street-Bigfork - and to get some bridge-themed goodies, visit MDT’s booth at Bigfork’s Holiday Art Walk [] on Saturday, November 19, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Bigfork Art & Cultural Center, 525 Electric Avenue, Bigfork.

If you have additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to share them with us by emailing Sloane at or calling the project hotline at 406-207-4484 during business hours.

Big Forks holiday artwalk

July 2022

Pre-construction activities for the Sportsman’s Bridge project continue to move forward. The Montana Department of Transportation and its teams of specialized consultants recently conducted the 90% plan review. The findings, revisions, and recommendations that resulted are now being incorporated.

The team is also busy finalizing reports and preparing permit applications in pertinent areas, including hydraulics, geotechnical, utilities, and environmental impacts. Engineers are also finalizing the bridge and road plans.

As the project progresses, MDT will continue to perform routine maintenance on the existing bridge from time to time. Drivers should be mindful and watch for workers, crews, and signs when traveling through the area. If larger maintenance projects are planned, we will be sure to let you know.

Thank you to those who recently visited the Bigfork Bridge projects’ booth at the Bigfork Farmers’ Market. We will be at the market again on Wednesday, July 27, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Be sure to stop by to learn more about the projects and pick up a Sportsman’s Bridge goodie!

If you have additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to share them with us by emailing Sloane at or calling the project hotline at 406-207-4484 during business hours.

April 2022

It is a busy time, and good progress is being made on the many elements and steps required for the design and pre-construction planning of building a new bridge over the Flathead River.

Many specialized contractors and MDT teams are hard at work on plans and reports and coordinating their findings in pertinent areas, including hydraulics, geotechnical impacts, right of way, utilities, and environmental impacts. Engineers also continue to work to finalize the bridge and road plans.

As the project progresses, MDT will continue to perform routine maintenance on the existing bridge from time to time. Drivers should be mindful and watch for workers, crews, and signs when traveling through the area.

On that note, next week is National Work Zone Awareness Week! This important annual event reminds us to slow down and use extra caution while traveling through work zones. For your safety and the safety of our hardworking construction crews, remember the three Ss of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress.

  • Speed: Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits.
  • Space: Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you.
  • Stress: Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.

Lastly, look out for the Sportsman’s Bridge booth at local Bigfork events this summer. Stop by to learn more about the project and pick up a bridge-themed goodie.

If you have additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to share them with us by emailing Sloane at or calling the project hotline at 406-207-4484 during business hours.

January 2022

Happy 2022! We hope you had a joyous and safe holiday season!

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is making progress on the Sportsman’s Bridge project that will replace the current bridge on MT Highway 82 that crosses the Flathead River with a brand-new bridge.

Engineers continue to work on the final road and bridge designs, and the utility survey is now complete. The team is using this information to coordinate plans with the utility companies. Preliminary right-of-way acquisition discussions have also begun.

As the project progresses, MDT will continue to perform routine maintenance on the existing bridge from time to time. Drivers should be mindful and watch for workers, crews, and signs when traveling through the area.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our Building Bridges in the Community holiday event last month. Bigfork’s generosity, as well as its care and concern for the community, was demonstrated by the multitude of donations to the Bigfork Food Bank and the many questions, comments, and concerns shared with the team regarding the Sportsman's Bridge and Bridge Street - Bigfork ( projects.

If you were unable to attend or have additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to share them with us by emailing Sloane at or calling the project hotline at 406-207-4484, operating Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

December 2021

Welcome to the first quarterly Sportsman's Bridge project update.

The Sportsman's Bridge project on MT Highway 82, that crosses the Flathead River, continues to make headway. While recently traveling in the vicinity, you may have seen crews drilling on the project site. Engineers were conducting additional geotechnical survey work, gathering information about the physical characteristics of the soil and rock within the project. The project team is also finishing up the utility survey, and work continues to finalize road and bridge designs.

No maintenance is planned for the Sportsman's Bridge aside from regular pothole maintenance as the weather allows.

Join us on December 11 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sliter's Park, 291 Bridge Street, Bigfork, to "Build Bridges in the Community" this holiday season!

Pick up a bridge-themed goodie bag, learn more about the Sportsman's Bridge and Bridge Street Bridge projects, and donate a non-perishable food item to the Bigfork Food Bank. A donation is not required to receive a goodie bag.

If you have any questions or comments, please call 406-207-4484 or email Sloane at