Highway reconstruction is the complete rebuilding of a roadway on either existing or new alignment. Highway reconstruction includes all phases of design and construction of roadways on present alignments and may involve rebuilding or upgrading of existing facilities and minor alignment revisions.
Highway rehabilitation is a strategy to extend the useful life of a highway and achieve appropriate levels of safety and operational characteristics without necessarily improving existing geometrics. It includes all phases of design and construction of projects that result in milling, recycling, overlaying, and major widening of existing roadways.
Highway resurfacing is the addition of a pavement layer or layers over the existing roadway surface to provide additional structural capacity and improved serviceability. It includes all phases of design and construction of projects that overlay the existing roadway.
Safety Projects
Safety projects include all phases of design and construction of lighting, signals, signing, guardrail, fencing, intersection improvements, slope flattening, drainage or structural repair, and related small projects. Safety projects are designed to improve safety performance at identified locations.
Bridge Projects
Bridge projects include all phases of design and construction of structures on or near existing alignments. These projects differ from reconstruction projects in that the length of a bridge project is limited to replacing (or rehabilitating) a deficient structure or structures.
Other Projects
Other project improvement types include, but are not limited to, environmental projects, enhancement projects, rest areas, lighting, historical monuments, truck scale sites, culvert and slide repair, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.