What is an illicit discharge?
An illicit discharge is anything entering a storm drain system that is not composed entirely of stormwater. Pollutant examples include paints, pesticides, fertilizers, weed killers, detergents, oils and grease, litter and illegal activities such as connecting wastewater (sewer and greywater) pipes into storm drains.
MDT seeks to detect and eliminate all illegal discharges.
Any discharge not comprised entirely of rainfall or snowmelt should be reported!
Physical Indicators of an Illicit Discharge

Oily Sheens and Floatables: Oily Sheens and Floatables: Visible sheens and floatables are indicators of an illicit discharge. Oily sheens suggest contamination from a petroleum spill. Foam and soap suds are examples of floatables.

Color: Certain colors may indicate the presence of an illicit discharge. Brown, white, grey, yellow, green, or red water entering a storm drain indicate sediment or chemicals are being dumped and should be reported.

Odors: Odors may indicate an illicit discharge. The presence of sewage, sulfide or rancid/sour odors are associated with sanitary wastewater; petroleum and chemical odors may indicate a possible dump or discharge.
Report Pollution