A Collaborative Approach for Informed Decision Making
This optimization plan will identify and prioritize projects that enhance roadway safety features, increase mobility, and improve multi-modal travel on US 191 and MT 64. The team is dedicated to preserving the character and nature of the landscape from Four Corners to Big Sky. A successful plan must consider the entire US 191/MT 64 corridor. This includes addressing the diverse needs of stakeholders in the area, in addition to social, environmental, and economic factors.
The Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) process calls for the collaboration of technical professionals, local community interest groups, landowners, facility users, and the traveling public.
CSS Process in Action
The previous corridor study on US 191 that was completed in 2020 identified numerous improvements. The next step will be to determine which improvements can occur and establish design plans for the US 191/MT 64 corridor. The CSS process will be used to connect with and educate stakeholders, understand their needs, and collaborate while building solutions. This will help the design team identify future projects and funding sources that will improve mobility and enhance roadway safety features in the area.
Public Meetings and Stakeholder Engagement
Stay Informed, Stay Involved
In addition to public meetings, the project team will communicate with stakeholders using direct mail, social and traditional media outreach, and a project website.
New project information will be posted on this website as it becomes available. You can request to be added to our mailing list by emailing
Please note that your comments are for the US 191/MT 64 Optimization Plan, UPN 10321000. Thank you!
Check back here for information about future meetings!