Zoo Drive Improvements logo

What is the timeline for this project?

This project is currently in the design phase. It is expected to open for contractor bids in 2025. Construction is also expected to begin in 2025.

How is this project being funded?

Most of this project is being funded with National Highway System (NHS) funds. A smaller portion of the project is being funded through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), a federal aid program intended to help reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries on public roads.

Is Costco contributing to the overall cost of this project?

Costco is not contributing to the cost of the Zoo Drive Improvements project. However, Costo was required to complete a Traffic Impact Study to identify potential impacts to traffic on Zoo Drive prior to relocating. As a result, Costco was responsible for adding a traffic signal and a new turn lane for eastbound traffic at the intersection of Zoo Drive with Canyon Creek Road. Costco also added a green arrow to the traffic signals at the eastbound, I-90 on-ramp to help ease congestion when drivers leave Costco and get back on the interstate.

How will this project impact traffic and area businesses?

This project may require temporary lane closures, reduced speeds, and other traffic control although access to the Zoo Drive corridor and area businesses will be maintained throughout construction. The project team is carefully considering other potential impacts to businesses and will coordinate with them as needed to minimize those impacts.

Will this project include multi-modal improvements?

There are plans to increase pedestrian connectivity by extending the sidewalk on the north side of Zoo Drive from the west end of the bridge to Gabel Road. The project does not include designated bicycle facilities.

Will this project include improvements on Shiloh Road?

Project plans include minor improvements to the intersection of Zoo Drive with Shiloh Road to transition traffic between the newly configured Zoo Drive and the Shiloh Road roundabout.