Transportation planning plays a fundamental role in a state, region, or community's vision for its future. Planning typically provides a blueprint to guide the decisions and investments needed to develop a transportation system that serves its citizens', communities', and economy's future needs. The following strategies include a range of planning and analysis tools necessary to successfully plan for transportation in your community: a comprehensive consideration of possible strategies; an encompassing evaluation and analysis process; meaningful community engagement; the collaboration of relevant transportation-related agencies and organizations; and open, timely, and meaningful public involvement.
- Charrettes
- Visioning & Scenario Planning
- Visualization
- Workshops
- Resource & Funding Coordination
- Shared Development of Plans & Policies
- Growth Policies
- Concurrency and Adequate Public Facilities (APF) Ordinances
- Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Review
- Urban Growth Boundaries
- Primary Data Collection
- Secondary Data Collection
- Sketch Planning
- Multimodal Analysis
- Scenario Planning Analysis Tools
Case studies that feature tools for identifying and planning for transportation needs include the following: