Since the Kagy Blvd – S. 19th to Wilson project began in 2016, the project team has conducted public outreach and explored several potential design concepts. The material on this page includes previous project concepts and public outreach efforts. This information is not current and does not represent a final design for the project. The most up-to-date project information can be found on the Project Overview and Documents pages. These pages will be updated as new project information and material becomes available.

Public Meetings

Public Meeting Invite - May 25, 2023

Public Meeting Presentation - April 21, 2016

Welcome Board

Intersection Improvements

S. 7th Avenue
S. 11th Avenue
S. Willson / S. 3rd Avenue

Intersection Alternatives (Simulations)

3 Lane
5 Lane
Roundabout Multi-Lane
Roundabout Single Lane

Future Traffic Volumes

Future 3 Lane
Future 4 Lane
Future 5 Lane

Aesthetic Options

Aesthetics Collage
Corridor Aesthetics Sketch

Bike/Pedestrian Facility Options

Primary Grade Separated Crossing Concepts

Typical Sections

Single Lane