Final Study Documents
Complete document (10.3 mb)
Study by Section
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Existing Conditions of US 93
Consultation, Coordination, and Community Involvement
Corridor Needs and Objectives
Alignment Identification
Alignment Selection
Funding Mechanisms
Corridor Study Conclusion
A: Consultation, Coordination, and Community Involvement
B: Environmental Scan Report
C: Corridor Study Documentation
Newsletters and Public Involvement
Informational Meetings
September 9, 2010
February 24, 2011
June 29, 2011
Preliminary Routes to be Screened for Impacts
First Level Screening Process Technical Memorandum
US 93 Evaro to Polson 1995 FEIS, Volume 1
complete document | Ch 1-6 | Ch 7-12
US 93 Evaro to Polson 1995 FEIS, Volume 2
Re-evaluation US 93 Evaro to Polson 2001 FEIS
complete document | report only | tables/appendices
Record of Decision US 93 Evaro to Polson 2001 FEIS
Memorandum of Agreement US 93 Evaro to Polson
Corridor Setting
Environmental Scan
Existing Conditions of US 93
Needs and Objectives