ePART Tips, Account Assistance, Application, Third-Party, Questions, Route / Road Conditions, Payment Types, FMCSA

Have your user name and password already? Login to ePart

ePART Tips

Please see our ePART Helpful Tips for further guidance.

ePART Account Assistance

Do you have an ePART account already and need assistance with your password? Send an email to mdtepartsecurity@mt.gov or call 406-444-7638 to request a password reset or to report a change in your Email Address.

  • Include in the email: Company Name, USDOT Number, Account Number, Contact Name, Email address, and Phone Number.
  • Make sure that you have some sort of identification in your signature template area on your email for MDT’s confirmation.
  • For your protection, we deactivate accounts with invalid email addresses.

Apply Today for a MT Online ePART Account!

MDT, in cooperation with i3verticals is using (ePART) electronic Permitting, Auditing, Registration, and Tax System.

For further information, and to apply for an online account, please visit


This may take a day; or a few days to have the account set up – depending on what is found. If you believe that you should have received an email from MDT, please check your spam/junk folder as we have noticed that the emails from mt.gov have been going there.

Welcome: Thank you for your interest in applying for an online account for MDT’s ePART System.

Once access has been granted and you have received your email, users will be able to generate various types of transactions with MDT’s ePART System including oversize and overweight permits, Single Trip, and Term (Annual) permits, Custom Combine permits, and GVW fees. This service will allow the user to self-issue permits 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. Also, users can report and renew International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and International Registration Plan (IRP) transactions. The system includes the ability to pay online through a secure system.

NOTE: In order to obtain an IRP or IFTA online user account, the company must be based in MT and already have an account established.

New to IFTA and / or IRP: Visit for IFTA and IRP information and how to process the forms. If you would like to get an IFTA or IRP account in MT, the business requirements must be met that are noted on the IFTA Application and the IRP Checklist which can be found on the MDT Forms page. If further assistance is needed, please see the contact information noted below.

Important: Is your federal information up-to-date?

To avoid unnecessary delays with MCS, please make sure that your USDOT information is up-to-date at https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/registration.

Are you a Third-Party User?

Third-Party Information

Need Assistance or Have Questions?

Call Motor Carrier Services in Helena, MT, we are in the office 7:30 am until 5 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays).

A reminder to check your route for your Permits

When you begin issuing your own permits, it is important to remember your responsibility to check construction reports and load-speed restrictions to verify that the route you plan to take does not have unanticipated restrictions.

Check Road Conditions | Montana Road Report Map

Payment Types accepted!

Electronic Checks; Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are accepted as Online payments types.

  • The receipt will print out with your permit after payment has been completed and show the additional fees.
    • If the payment receipt is printed from the payment screen, please continue with the permit to finalize.
  • The credit card fee that is being passed onto the carrier along with the price of the permit / credential is noticed at the time of processing the payment.

New Fee Structure Details effective on 02/01/2025.

  • New Fee: 1.5% per transaction
  • Maximum Fee Cap: $20 per transaction
  • Additional Fee: This is in addition to the existing 2.5% credit card processing fee.

Please see ENTERING EPART PAYMENTS USING PAYZANG document for assistance in processing payments.

MT IFTA Carriers:

MDT has received notification from carriers stating that they have received a text message requesting they file their quarterly IFTA returns. MDT does not send text messages to our contacts. Emails and mailed information are the methods of contact used.

Is your federal information up-to-date?

To avoid unnecessary delays with MCS, please make sure that your information on the FMCSA Motor Carrier Unified Registration System is current. MCS does reference this information when a new account is set-up; and/or periodically as needed. Discrepancies between information provided to MCS and what shows up in the federal system, will slow down MCS processes.

If your business has changed its Company Name, USDOT number, TIN (Tax Identification number), and/or mailing or physical address, please make sure to update your forms on the FMCSA site. After this has been completed, please notify MCS at 406-444-6130 so that MCS can keep your account information updated on our MCS systems.

For further information visit Update FMCSA Motor Carrier ID Report.